(Unsupported Language) Helemaal opnieuw beginnen
Hoe kan ik opnieuw beginnen . Dan bedoel ik ook dat als inlog op facebook dat ik dan ook op level 1 start. Wil dus afkoppelen van facebook
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Merci beaucoup
The game
The game practically plays it self so fast and then it subtracts the movements As if we made the moves ourselves. I don’t think they should be counted against us when it is actually the machine making the moves and not us Players.
Why my farm heros game isnt working I try click on my level it just click but won't work please help thank you
No more daily beans!!!!
Ever since they released this latest version I have been stuck on the same level mainly because I do not get daily beans. It is super frustrating and this might be the end of my play time with this game. I do not understand why they would take away such a needed daily reward.
No more levels for more than 3weeks
hey a question I am on level 2635 of farm heroes and have been waiting for new weeks in the making, while I read that someone else is stuck on 2656 how is that possible? thank you in advance .
Level 2502
Cant pass this level - can’t get 450 apples and 450 strawberries. Closest I have come is low 200’s. The spiders and flowers aren’t a problem. How do I get that many apples and strawberries without using tons of boosters?!
Level 382 impossible??
This sounds silly, but I was stuck on level 382 for a while, so I went back and unlocked some more companions and rewards. When I went back to play level 382, there are flowers there that weren't there when I tried playing originally. Anyone else see this, and is it even possible to pass now?
Problem with connecting
I can't connect the game to Facebook ?
Level 2604 is next to impossible
With 16 moves, 60 calms, 260 water droplets and 6 flowers, its impossible. Please review and correct this level