Not fair
It`s not fair when some player can se ads and get extra moves. And that way pass levels that are hard. I´m on 2382 and I watch on you tube to get tips how to pass it. The ones get extra moves by vatching ads. No wonder they pass it. And I guess watching ads are the reason to why some player just runs through the levels and…
I really enjoy the side events and they don't put them up as often as I play the game
does anyone have a question mark in the companion section that wont register anything. ive won all the levels it asked for?
Lost my game
On 22/09 when I played, just finish the level and on the next level jumped my sister's account. I can't login to my one. I trq all email..... I was on 2500 level , with 150 from any bonuses and 60000 beans .... Today I must to start from level one?!?!? I already left feedback year ago, is not posible to found my account?…
Question: redeem
An idea for Farm Heros: Could the beans be converted into gold bars? Because I do not need all beans disgusting for raccoon.
Shuffling Making Games End Early!
We all know about shuffling, sometimes it works in our favour, often not. Recently several of the games I've been playing have involved many 'shuffles', sometimes 3 in a row, then for no reason the game closes 'Game Failed', even though I may still have as many as 20 moves still to make. This is so annoying, not only have…
No Bonus in Rancid Levels
Whenever i spend beans in Rancid levels, i will get no Bonus. No extra Moves ("Bonus +2") no traditional points. What's wrong?
When will there be another event? It's been forever it keeps saying coming soon
I like playing the events you guys have one soon please?
Level 2639
Is it just me, or have the mushrooms taken on a new "life", so to speak? When I try to line up 5 mushrooms, and then actually do so, they normally would be gathered from the board as well as any extras. On this level, they seem to cancel themselves out? I don't think this is coming across very clearly, but it's hard to…
Roadblock Timer/Countdown clock
I hit a roadblock after playing my last game on the Facebook platform, 2575. It was a difficult Rancid, I only got one star, so no key to let me through. Oh well, a 4 day wait is on the cards, as I've only one friend playing the game. This was over 24 hours ago, maybe much longer, I've just checked the countdown clock and…