Give unlimited lives as a price when passing "Super Hard" levels only!
When we pass a "Super Hard" level with 1 star. 5 minutes life I limited, 10 minutes when pass with 2 stars, 20 minutes when pass with 3 stars. You like this idea?
Accumulating Bonnie's Booster.
Booster are our best allies and some of us expect them to recharge continuously. When Bonnie arrives, I get very excited😍 and give everything for him💪, but when he leaves, weeks have passed on a single level😥😓😫😭. "" I HAVE A GREAT IDEA😎 "" for the Bonnie's Bosters we were left in each level due to our Great Strategy…
Limit pop-ups in Farm Heroes Saga
I would like to only see the pop-ups for special events, etc. ONE TIME when I log into FHS. I do not need to see them every time I play a level or send lives, etc. Please limit the pop-ups! Please vote for this idea if you would like to see fewer pop-ups!
✅ Show level 🙏
Hello to all farm players I have now noticed that you cannot see the level number in the game. I just think it's part of it and I just miss it. Please give the level number in the game !!! This is level 1462. Unfortunately I had to close the app to check. So I'm losing a life. @PummyRaj @encantes @Lady_Choo
Increase team size from 12 to 15 or 20 members
I love that Farm Hero Saga now has a team feature! But I'd like to see the maximum players allowance increase from a dozen to 15 or 20 members. Or at least a baker's dozen (13).
More shovel options & getting other boosters with magic beans
Shovel amount options of 3, 6, 9 with beans would be awesome! 1 of each booster (plus 1, tractor, color collector) with beans would be great too!
Better rewards and a longer time for the Crystal Challenge/Team events
Please could we have better rewards and more time for the Crystal Challenge as some of the levels can be very difficult to collect pickaxes from leaving many players frustrated, and consequently taking a long time to complete a quest, I think it might encourage more team participation.
Golden Pin Leaderboard
Originally, if you collected enough Golden Pins in an episode, you would get either a Bronze, Silver or Gold trophy. For whatever reason, the trophioes are long gone, but the Golden Pin Challenge remains. So how about a leader board? There would be two categories. The first one would be for the most amount of pins, with…
Invite option in teams
Hi all, we have this new teams feature where you can join a team and play with friends. Which is awesome! However I've seen over in our Facebook group that players are having trouble finding friends groups which gave me the idea. Could we have an invite player option so that the team leader can invite friends and then the…
Super Cropsie Round
I think it would be good to have a special super cropsie round at the end of an episode, where you can win one of Amelia's gifts, much the same how Amelia's gifts work now, ie stars and gifts.