Mistake in level 2836
Hello, There's a mistake in level 2836. It says no more moves whilst there is a seed next to a blue drop which would make a flower. SJ
Rancid Levels - Moves Left Over
I don't understand the concept of scrapping moves left over in Rancid levels. Don't get me wrong. I love Farm Heroes ... the only game I play. But it doesn't make sense to lose any leftover moves. For instance, and this is one example that's got me baffled ... Level 966 Rancid level - 8 moves left, 143,000 points puts me…
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farm heroes saga level 755 solve
farm heroes saga level 755 solve
Cant collect rewards I’ve earned
I’m playing farm heroes on iPhone 10, uninstalled after backing up to Facebook and it took what boosters I did have. I can’t collect rewards from any of the events.
My game keep freezing
My game keep freezing
Events are missing.
I was in the middle of an event (on level 7 ), ran out of lives and then came back when my lives were renewed and found no event. I still had 5 days left on it. That was two days ago. I keep getting advertisements for that particular game but there is no game there. Any ideas on how to get it back. I tried clicking on the…
Farm Heroes Saga Level 561
Help! I can’t get past level 561! Do I start at the top and make matches, then move the sheep, or at the bottom? How do I know if the sheep is going to go one, two, or three squares? Thanks
How to get on a Honey Pot team?
I have my game progress saved with Facebook and I’m on level 1100. I have a “Race It” challenge but I have never been on a honey pot team. How does this work? My app is up to date, I checked right before posting this. I am using iOS 13.6.1.
Game not loading when Queen Bee appears
This discussion was created from comments split from: Game not loading- app version 5.43.5 iOS (Reported to the Studio!).