2381 level
hi! Ifinished level 2380 and the next levels does not appear , I already waited a few days and nothing... please help me !
Mission option disappeared after reinstalling
A while ago the mission option disappeared. It happened when I uninstalled the application, when I reinstalled it again they were not.
Hard levels do NOT exist on my IPhone AND I cannot collect any further varmits!
I am over this game on my IPhone. No hard levels! No additional characters to collect! Why does my screen show “3” more characters needed YET no level !!! I have spent too much $$ trying to pass levels, and game doesn’t “give”. I feel my account needs to be credited in some way, otherwise “bye bye”.
Problem in the game - goes out on its own
Hello I have a problem is that the game goes out on its own what can work to solve the problem ..? Thank you
Game made me use the egg cracker booster on a level without eggs
I had earned an egg cracker booster through one of the quests. Before I was able to start level 2283 the game prompted & made me use the egg cracker booster. These particular boosters are far & few between to earn & after finally earning one King takes it away from me! At the start of the level there weren’t even any eggs…
Nao abre o próximo nível tem um cadeado me ajudem
Is something wrong with new events loading?
I normally have at least 1 event a day but I haven't had any in 5 days. It just says coming soon. I'm getting notifications on my phone to play the events, like the choo choo challenge, but when I go to it there's nothing. Is something wrong?
Connection problems
Can’t connect to Facebook and no internet connection it’s saying
Farm Heroes Level 2279 needs more moves
I have been on level 2279 many days and I don't think this level is possible 14 flowers, 25 firecrackers, 70 waterdrops and 220 suns with 22 moves. Needs more moves or little bit less everything, specially flowers.
How do I get my username on my games?
I want to have a username and picture on my games. How do I set that up?