No internet connection
I recently changed my kingdom password account and now I am getting a "connection failed - no internet connection was found" error only in farm hereos saga. I have been able to connect using candy crush and jelly crush. Everything is up to date and I have tried restarting. Thanks thanks
I got a new phone and lost all my levels how can I restore them? I tried logging onto old phone and.
I got a new phone and lost all my levels. I read on here with other questions that I could go on old phone and sign up with my email I did that and lost all progress on old phone too. I need help.
farm heros quests
hi. i have a problem getting to get the quest button on. i'm using an iphone 6 and is on leavel 12. what level do you get events and quests at?
Farm Heros....Chase The Sun
Playing Chase The Sun......hav played numerous games but my score does not change after each game....it has only changed 3 times.....what is the problem?
Fermeture farm heroes saga ?
Bonjour, il y a Maintenant, héros de la ferme de super-saga. La série de héros de la ferme saga. Y aura t iL la suite du niveau 1630 sur heroes saga ferme ?ou est ce la fin? Devons NOUS Donc télécharger le nouveau farm super heroes?
Help please!
Once again when I get to Raccoon and win the game will not advance. This happens at every level to me? Please fix problem. Thank you!
I lose my all levels how I can get back
Some thing happens on my iPhone I lose my farm hero how I can get back my game
Google Chrome not working
I play both Candy Crush and Farm Hero's on my laptop through facebook. I run windows 7 (opted not to upgrade to 8 or 10). Google Chrome has always been my browser of choice and as of today I can no longer play either game. I checked and Chrome is up to date. I have completed the most recent episode released ending in 2359…
Como recupero mi nivel 956
Me conecte con facebook y se borro mi nivel, como hago para volver al 956
Im not able to add collected sun to sun quest .. what shd i do ?
I'm playing on my mobile, the sun Quest is on.. but m not able to add collected sun to the quest .... hw to add collected sun to the quest ... & i hv 1 more issue .. i was having more than 200 helpers ( 66 color collector, 57 - +1 , 49 - row collecter, 60 - other ) but yesterday when i opened my game all were gone..can i…