How can i pass the level 175???
Hy, how can I pass the level 175... have to collect 35 sun, 35 strawberry, 12 flower and 100 drop with 23 pass????? How can I pass??? Please help me, I'm stop from 2 week
Level 1346 problem
I tried to play level 1346...but it showing full screen full of cropsies but no firefly..how can i play...no firefly is not showing..i think its a technical problem..plz solve
what is the tutorial level 492 for farm heroes saga games
hye, what is the tutorial for 'farm heroes saga games' for level 492? how to get the beetle?
Level 523 on farm saga. How do I use the special Apple?
How do I use the special Apple? Can get everything else but need to use this as well to complete the game 523
farm hero saga facebook problem!
hello, my facebook has been deleted. i have created a new facebook account and farm hero saga was set to level 0. i was at level 497! how do i get back to this level. please help me.
Why do I get booted every time I win a level?
I love this game, but am getting frustrated. I can lose 5 times without a problem, but as soon as I win a level it boots me out. I know it's going to happen because on the last move it stutters. Thankfully, I get credit for that level! But takes too much time for me to keep loading over and over. I play on my IPad through…
How to get my progres level 907 in my farm heroes saga'
I so tired every minute i try to connect and reconnect my to get my progress my level in my farm heroes
How to pay with the Facebook play card?
I have bought the Facebook play card but I dont can to buy in the Farm Heroes Saga nothing because it is only the solutins with the PayPall Google Play und with the pay cards(Bank cards)! Ofcourse I talking for buying with the mobilphone! Thanks
farm heroes
Hi any tips on how to pass level 1509 ive watched a video of it but i do not have enough boosters to help me through it
hey king application facebook.?so what do l do now? best regards fin-kari