help for level 326 on farm heroes saga.
Every video is not the right one. It is the one with snowballs, 50 duns, 50 strawberries, and 50 carrots. Please help.
Did not get any holiday bonus levels
I was waiting for the Christmas bonus levels and was never offered the chance to play them. Do you know why I was never given these levels to play?
Can't get to level 205 because package in in the way
When I click on level 205, a package of choo choo's challenge is in the way. It opens, but I never get tot 205... I'm stuck!
When will new levels be released?
I have cleared level 1195, but for several months all I see are clouds with a message that new levels are coming soon?? When will that happen? Do others get the same message? Describe your question in more detail here (at least 80 characters please)
Lost beans
I tried playing a level to beat the animal (beaver?) and used 1,650 beans but the app froze. I tried a second time & it still didn't work so i lost 3,200 beans! Please credit back to my account. Thanks.
Why does farm heroes crushes on my tablet?
I have a Asus tablets (android 4.4.2) on witch Farm Hero Saga worked until some updates ago. Now it just loads the game and when i try starting the game it just closes the application wit no error message and the tablet goes at home screen. I tried reset my tablet to factory settings, made all updates one again and…
I am stuck on level 326.
I have noticed if I play the sun and strawberries I get more snow balls. When I match the onions or carrots the snow balls go away but I run out of lives to complete the task. HELP!!!
How do I pass level 503 in Farm Heroes and get rid of the fire flies
I've tried for several weeks and I can not get the fire flies in level 503 in Farm Heroes. How do I get rid of them
Cant go over 850 lvl
Cant go over 850 lvl Hi i stopped on 850 lvl barier is unloced i defeated raincid by 3 stars but cant go further there is no massage when i click on barier cant clik on 851lvl. Pc or mobile. Thanks
Farm heroes saga will not finish updating or let me play,just says that it is installing,how fix ?
The icon says it is installing ,won't let me play or delete the game.would like to know what to do to fix this problem