I am in level 785 of Farm Heroes saga. It keeps freezing and telling me to reload the game.
In level 785 of Farm Heroes saga, the game freezes, tells me something has gone wrong and tells me to reload the game. This is not new, you know about this and have known for a long time but blame everything and everyone else. This is a multi-platform issue and multi-server issue so the problem is on your end of the world.…
Why dont i have an advent calendar?
King says starting Dec 1st there will be special advent problems on Farm Hero's Saga. Yet my fully updated game has no such thing. I'm losing faith here :'( -signed, a girl losing faith in something she once enjoyed so much!
How To proceed to level116 in Farm Heros
I have been stuck on level 115 even though I accomplished it, how can I proceed? I cannot find any link to ask others for help
Every time I bye lives in farm Herod saga from my iPad it always says this has already been bought a
Every time I buy lives from farm heroes saga from my iPad it always says it's been bought and will be restored for free and then nothing happens This is very frustrating it's been happening for a month pls help asap
Award Animals not being received.
I completed levels 450 and 465 with 3 stars, but the animals have not been released to me. This is happening more frequently to me...do I need an update or something? Thank you.
I just registered on this site but already have the farm heroes app. How can I save my progress?
The app used to work fine but now it never connects to the internet.What should I do?
farm heroes saga level 785
I just got to level 785 and every time I play it says something went wrong and I must reload. This loses my game and the magic beans I spent. This is very irritating and even when I email King about the issue all it does is send me here. Can't find a real place to inform them of this issue
Farm heroes and candy Crush blocke by Facebook
The links to open Candy Crush and Farm Heroes are blocked by Face book because they are deemed unsecure. So can not play on fabebook now!
facebook has blocked king.com
All of my king.com games have been blocked on my facebook, on my laptop, but not my android phone. It says the links are suspicious. I've asked for them to be unblocked, but not had a response. It's the same result using different browsers too
Level 785 has been not working for two weeks now.
So many times I have nearly completed the game, then when I'm down to 3 or 4 lives left it says 'something's gone wrong - please reload. On twitter they said it was being fixed. I can't progress. Really fed up.