Candy Crush Saga
My game had a glitch and took me back to level one. How do I get it back to the last level I was playing?
Android / PC Facebook link
I was playing Farm Heroes through my PC on facebook and decided to buy the Valentines Day deal, but was at the end of a game and I wanted to apply gold to increase my lives/boosters. I made the purchase through my phone, thinking that the games are linked and it would apply to the app on my pc through Facebook (They ARE,…
Level score 111 to have 3 stars ??
I want to know how much punctuation can have the 3 stars because I read somewhere that you can with 130,000 and 144,000 I pass and I only have two movements to spare 8 pass and that nothing more help.
How can I get Candy Crush Saga back to the last level I played?
Game went crazy and reset me to level one. I don't want to go thru all the levels again.
Por què no se me guardan los progresos del Farm Heroes cuando juego en la tablet????
Empecè a tener problemas cuando juego al Farm, no se me cargan los progresos cuando juego en la tablet, me sale una leyenda que dice sin conexiòn a internet
Road block
I completed 175 and cannot continue. Road block that will not release for over 2 weeks.
Lives lost when starting a level?
Recently, when playing any level on Facebook, the game takes away lives right at the beginning of the level. When I click on Play with full 5 lives, by the time the level starts I only have 3, then the game takes away 1 on failing the level, and if I want to retry, one life is taken away again, and I am at only 1 life.…
Level 71 won't come up on farm heroes
Level 71 won't come up .. It just goes to home page. I have gone back to 70 twice and completed it but still won't let me play 71 ??? Help !!!
How many points do you need to get 2 stars on level 214 in farm heroes saga?
I have 171000 and still only 1 star. I saw a video on youtube and a lady got 2 stars with only 106000
How do I change the currency setting when I buy gold?
The currency setting is in Swedish Kroner but I live in the US? How can I change the setting?