Why do my games on my phone sometimes close on their own while I am playing them?
Sometimes when I am playing a game on my phone it will close. Can someone tell me why? Could my phone getting too hot cause this? Thanks.
Billing Issue
I was charged twice, where do I go to get help? I saw my online bank account and saw 2 unrecognized transactions. Does King.com have a Billing support hotline?
level 437 on CC and level 465 on farmers heros, played both over 200 time, I can't even get close
Why have games like level 437 on CC & 465 on Farmers heros when they cannot be won, unless played hundreds of times?
purchased gold bars, but didn't receive them
I just recently purchased gold bars and I received them. But the game kept freezing up and I never got my gold bars after I figured out the game was rebooting itself. I also just received rewards for my progress but I didn't have those either. Will I get my money and rewards back?
Starting over
I would like to start the game over from the beginning, now that I understand it. How can I do that?
I can not get Farm Heroes and Candy Crush to download.
I have played both games for over a year and never had this trouble before.
when will king bring it's games on Windows phones?
I love king's games, but I don't have access to my computer during daytime, because of work! It would be nice if you bring all of your games to our favorite platform, windows!
why doesn't the game recognize that I achieved 3 stars on the join the club challenges?
At level 302 where join the club achievements count yet I am not receiving the rewards or the game play help.
How do I get farm heroes saga to load?
getting message "something went wrong please reload. I have tried on facebook and also straight through king without FB, same result. My adobe flash player up to date and all other games work. Please help.
How do I start from the beginning in Farm Heroes Saga?
I want to start Farm Heroes Saga from the beginning on my Facebook. How do i go about doing that and mobile. I have looked on my FB page and it does not show how to do that.