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  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032

    @joiceeanne I agree whit you. It should show somewhere how many crops you have collected.

  • Melbennett
    Melbennett Posts: 484

    I haven’t seen anything yet

  • Melbennett
    Melbennett Posts: 484

    Hopefully soon

  • MountainMom
    MountainMom Posts: 14,386

    I haven't seen the new event.

  • Melbennett
    Melbennett Posts: 484

    Still waiting

  • Melbennett
    Melbennett Posts: 484

    Ok I’m on level 2087

  • Tina2290
    Tina2290 Posts: 24

    Level 3

    @piaandersson thank you! I prefer to wait the end of challenge than take notes on my own πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

  • QueenMia
    QueenMia Posts: 12,972
    edited July 2020

    Hi everyone πŸ€—

    @piaandersson - As usual, this is extremely valuable feedback and we'll make sure that the Team hears it! The event should end for everyone at 23:59 EDT Thursday 23rd July, which is about 6 am CET. But we'll double check that and get back to you should that not be the case.

    As for the cropsies collection, there are indeed 2 types: Some players get to play with other players and the whole group is requested to collect a total of 8.8 Billion and some are playing on their own are need 3000 cropsies to reach the target. This is done as we are trying to see what kind of collection you guys prefer. Do you prefer to be on your own or would you want to be in a team? Regardless of the task, the event will last 3 days.

    We agree with you that not having a counter is not ideal and we'll keep that in mind for the next events - As well as adding clearer info to the pop ups.

    Finally, please note that only Cropsies specified to clear a level count towards the total, other matches won't count! Will confirm to you asap if that works with previous levels too.

    @PummyRaj - The goal of the event is to collect as many cropsies as possible over the next 3 days. You can see the details of the tasks from what I wrote @piaandersson above πŸ˜‰

    @kingtrixi - You get to be part of the event if you see the pop up in your game. For now, it won't be available to all players, so it might be that you don't get to play it this time. But there are plenty of other events going on at the moment, so there's plenty to do!

    Thanks again for the feedback - It really helps us! Keep them coming πŸ™

  • encantes
    encantes Posts: 6,416
    edited July 2020

    @piaandersson tks for your helpful feedback! This morning I received another popup little be different from the previous that I've posted yestarday but is not mentioned about 3000 crospies like you.πŸ˜‰

    @QueenMia tks for your clarification. I let you know how is working. 23.59 Edt is the local time in Usa, the equivalent in most of European Country is 05.59 Cest.

    Enjoy your day🌞🌞


  • Melbennett
    Melbennett Posts: 484

    Ok here it is Wednesday 22nd and still no game????

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?