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🚫 Know issue SOLVED - Lost Boosters or Lost Progress during the latest 5.73 update!



  • BasilBasil
    BasilBasil Posts: 6

    Level 2

    I like many other users have reported the issue several times over the last couple of weeks using the contact us, only receiving the auto response and nothing else. To hear that some people are now receiving a few boosters but not other players is frustrating and unfair. I'm pleased for the ones who have either got them back or received a token gesture but could you please explain what happens to the rest of us...or am I like all my posts on here going to get ignored?

    Sorry if I sound pissed off but it's so annoying to lose the boosters and then to be told report it, report it, to then be told it's basically your own fault for saving them, to then hear some have got them back. Why not everyone?

  • Eva_Tolarová
    Eva_Tolarová Posts: 39

    Level 3

    Hi farmers, they finally returned 20 boosters. I had many more, but at least something. It cost me a lot of emails, writing to customer support and in the end at least something worked!

  • nathesi
    nathesi Posts: 18

    Level 2

    If it's any consolation, nobody got their boosters back. Some people got 20 boosters (and apparently some others 30) after reporting and either getting no response or an unhelpful one. Some shortly after and others after quite some time. Their communication is seriously lacking but I do think everyone (or everyone who reported the issue) will be getting something at some point.

  • Marco14
    Marco14 Posts: 4

    Level 1


    Has anyone recovered their progress in the game? could the problem be solved?

    I went from level 3509 to 1 in 1 second about 10 days ago.... but nothing has happened so far Do you have an update for us?


  • Drt1710
    Drt1710 Posts: 9

    Level 2

    @Marco14 try logging out of the game, then back in again to recover your level.

  • Marco14
    Marco14 Posts: 4

    Level 1


    I'm not able to logging out, because the game don't want that I logged in 🙃🤔...

    thus, i'm still hopping that this issue could be solved quickly and i will recover my level.

    Thank you

  • garfield320
    garfield320 Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Well, guess I'm not playing anymore. There are plenty of other apps that will actually save all my information on my account and will FULLY restore my items if there are any glitches after updates. Calling the 20 boosters from customer support a "gift", when it's really giving back a tiny fraction of what I had rightfully collected over time and lost due to their fault, is just patronizing.

  • auriemmo
    auriemmo Posts: 17

    Level 2

    Contacted customer care as suggested - no response.

    Game ID 4001923758

    How do I get my boosters back?

  • chuckdnguyen
    chuckdnguyen Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Hi, I’ve tried using the contact method above 4 times along with messaging your twitter page, but no luck and I’ve been ignored. I’ve lost all my boosters, many were purchased. Please refund me or add them back.

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,777

    Thank you all for sharing and keep in mind that it can take up to 72 hours before you get a response back from Player Support!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?