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Farm Heroes Saga not loading on Facebook! FIXED!



  • Posts: 1,032
    edited January 2020
    @Chicken_Slayer Adobe will stop support/update flash player at the end of the year.
    No browser will stop support flash untill adobe does.

    I looked on google concerning flash player. And found information that said that microsoft would remove it from all browsers in computers december 31 by there updates. But I wonder if they really will do that because that are so much on the internet that still are made/using flash. Just wait and see.

    When it came to this problem just wait to see when king have fixed this.

  • Posts: 3,459
  • Posts: 1

    Level 1

    What is happenning? Getting fedup now!!!!

  • Posts: 15,813
    What's happening @sar666? Why are you getting fed up? 😢

  • Posts: 15,813
    edited January 2020 Answer ✓

    The game team has been working hard and has successfully improved the new HTML5 version on Facebook 💪⚒🛠🙌

    You should now be able to load the game, but if not, please try clearing the cache and give it another go.

    If you play on, you might still have loading issues and that is because the game still runs on Flash but worry not as that is the next thing the studio is going to work on improving.

    If you have lost any purchased items or lost your progress, contact our Player Support team by selecting the "Contact Us" button below:

    Please include your Facebook ID on the message so they can locate your game records! Here is how to find it!
    Facebook ID.

  • Posts: 26,416
    @Chicken_Slayer Adobe will stop support/update flash player at the end of the year.
    No browser will stop support flash untill adobe does.

    I looked on google concerning flash player. And found information that said that microsoft would remove it from all browsers in computers december 31 by there updates. But I wonder if they really will do that because that are so much on the internet that still are made/using flash. Just wait and see.

    When it came to this problem just wait to see when king have fixed this.

    Hi @piaandersson Yes that is it. I have been watching it since the announcement came, but its not as many as you think,  less than 5% of websites use flash now and many have migrated over to new formats in the last year. Adobe themselves have said that they will support it until the end of 2020 so microsoft and other companies have no option to remove it otherwise that creates more security issues with vulnerabilites being exploited. A bit like when windows stops updating old versions. You either switch or are leaving yourself open to security attacks and issues will not be fixed. You can read more here with the links to other companies.

    Chrome started last year when it stopped auto running it. But yes, they can stop supporting Flash before Adobe does if they want, sites are being actively encouraged to switch over to one of the other formats. I play another game which was heavy flash. They couldn't change that, too many items so they had to start a second version which hasn't gone down well with addicted players (not King games) so I am glad we still can play our games.   

    Personally I will be glad to see the back of it. Too many vulnerabilities and too many issues with it. It would take forever to load then crash.  Html5 is much quicker. 
  • Posts: 1,032
    @Chicken_Slayer If one talks in terms of % so that sound little. I don´t know how many sites that are on the net but they counts in billions so 5% are a lot of sites.

    All browser and other company on the net can do what they want to do. Even when some stop support something they can continue. The one that have no options are we that only use it. 

    To stop support/update things don´t mean that it will be more security issue. And it don´t mean that users start getting crap/problem. The biggest risk to any computer (new/old updated or not) are the one that are behind the screen. I know a lot of people that still have XP or vista that haven´t got updates for many years and they don´t have more issues then the one that have win 10.

    The program flash player it self will still work even when the support/update stops. Because that´s a program like any other programs. Only is that it want be updated to new versions that close security holes or/and improve things. So if a browser still want to have it in there browser, so people can visit all sites, they can do that.

    And the thing that said that microsoft will remove it from the browsers. Many have the program it self installed on the computer and I haven´t seen that microsoft will unistall that. But I don´t know if it still will work on the net if the browser not support it. 
  • Posts: 10

    Level 2

    @QueenB As indicated by others, FHS seems to be loading this am, albeit with a new interface.  And no nag re flash.  So there seems to have been an update to the game.  Perhaps the rollout of the update was causing the problem?
  • Posts: 4

    Level 1

    @piaandersson from what they have said, they had the old flash version when it stopped working and now its working, its the new html version. 
    I am wondering if either flash is not being supported now earlier than expected, or there is just a slight hiccup between transferring them to the new version. I know more players were moved over on to it. 

    Maybe they moved more players sooner now because of the issues? 

    Hopefully King will soon but keep clearing cache/cookies every so often to see if it does so you are ready :) 
    Still not working for me (January 22).... :(
  • Posts: 33

    Level 3

    I just tried not expecting to be able to get in on the platform again & was shocked I actually did get in plus I haven't lost any of my daily bonus either. So happy it's finally fixed. Hope everyone else can get in that has had the loading problem! :) Good luck! xx


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