What is your favourite booster and why?
In the game of Farm Heroes Super Saga there are 3 boosters that are very helpful to the player. They can be purchased from the store for gold bars or with coins gained from the Country Show! The Watering Can turns any cropsie into a super-size cropsie and adds 5 points to its value! The Gardening Glove is almost magic! Its…
Darwin’s Diary! Level Tips 🤓 - Episode 134!
Darwin’s Diary 20/02/2020 My sweet diary! What a farmtastic time to be part of this adventure on our Farm. Episode 134 is already here!! Can you imagine??? YES YOU CAN and so CAN I! Let’s go! 1992 My oh my, the Hedgehog family is all over the place! First, they will help to remove the frost on those scrumptious nuts, if…
Freeze and crash on Xiaomi
Hello I have Xiaomi Redmi 8A (android 9, miui version global 11.0.3. Game freeze and screen goes black when i play. I try reinstall, clean data and even reinstall Android. I cant find any help. Can you fix this? Best
Highest Level
What is the highest level someone has reached?
Sending Lives
Please reinstate the name of the players who send lives. They used to appear next to the avatar in the inbox but after an update the names got removed. It would be nice to know who sent them in order to reciprocate. Thank you.
How do I get the bee?
I cant figure out how to get the bee
Valentine's Day 2020
Welcome to Valentine's Day 2020. If you have just joined us recently then you are not aware that this is the second time that I am doing this. The first holiday with this theme was created in December 2019 For Christmas and New Year's. Now we are getting ready for Valentine's Day, it's time to create this idea again. You…
Darwin’s Diary! Level Tips 🤓 - Episode 133!
Darwin’s Diary 13 February 2020 My, oh my dearest diary! Can you believe that 7 days have passed?? I KNOW! How crazy is that!? As I said, it is just A M A Z I N G what is happening on the Farm!! Shall I tell you ALL about it?? I know you want me to 😀 Ready?? Steady?? Episode 133 = GO!!! 1977 Fidget is hiding under the…
What is your least favourite game mode and why?
There are six game modes in Farm Heroes Super Saga. You might sometimes wish to choose your favourite, but how about your least favorite? Collection mode: Collection is the primary game mode in Farm Heroes Super Saga and generally other game modes are modifiers of collection. In collection mode you have to collect a…
Can't collect all of the growth stages rewards
When I collect enough for all the growth stages, when I get the reward, it now always says growth stage 4 and 50 coins.