new level scores glitch?
Anyone else experiencing issues with the scores after completing a level? Sometimes it returns a blank leaderboard (I'm the only player's score on it) even though I'm connected to the internet. And in one instance it didn't record/save my high score ffff. I'd completed L2249 and got ~210000 points on an attempt, but…
Fast Race FAIL!!!111!!!1!!! /extraneouscapslockforattention
Can someone (i.e., @Crazy Cat Lad) explain the prize distribution of this new Fast Race that suddenly appeared today? (it was normal as of yesterday) Instead of 1st place winning 25 gold bars (what it used to be), it now indicates 5 bars as 1st place prize: Can this game get any more 🤬🤬🤬🤬ed up!? I rarely advanced on the…
random bots started getting added anytime i log out and back in
@Crazy Cat Lad Ever since the recent Facebook outage, anytime I log out and in to my CCS account (Win app), instead of getting 10 actual new players (how things used to be), I'm presented with a set of bots that don't even play: Give us back actual players who are playing the game and are at high levels. Part of the fun of…
down arrow to automatically bring to Level 1
Since Elsa et al.'s (brilliant) idea to include a search box to allow players to get to particular levels hasn't gone anywhere for years, let's try somthing similar: Implement a "down" arrow to conveniently take players to Level 1. I have many "favorite friends" who aren't as high up in levels in my game, so often I have…
Treat Calendar resetting every day now
Absolutely disgusting, King. You take away Sugar Drops' ability to earn free boosters, replace it with lame competitions that benefit only the privileged few who win, and starting this week the Treat Calendar seems to reset on Day 1 every day now. Before that, it had started to reset every Monday, which is problematic in…
King.com HTML5 transition has begun
As most are aware, Flash support is ending this year, meaning CCS must update their platform on the King.com site. I noticed a few days ago the rollover has begun. One of my CCS accounts has updated to the HTML5 version. My other CCS account still has the old Flash version, but I notice boosters are no longer being added…
Candy Crush Saga map/graphic glitches
@Pounawea @WilyReptile The map has been buggy for a couple weeks, but I only paid close attention today, and now it's really irking me. Earlier episode names and associated graphics have changed and seem to be repeating every couple of sequences. This episode should be Lullaby Lake…
exchange boosters for gold bars
Several threads lately brought this idea on. I'd like to exchange boosters I don't like (but it could be any booster) for gold bars. 1 booster = 5 gold bars (or whatever players think is fair). The idea is similar to Pokémon, where players can sell items in their bag for money in the PokeMart. Alternatively, getting rid of…
new "cinema design" 👎👎
The Daily Treat calendar disappeared 2 days ago but returned today along with a new design when I open the game. Guessing that's no coincidence. Is this another new design feature King plans on rolling out? Cuz I have to say, much as I like the idea of a Candy Crush movie, I don't like the black borders surrounding the top…
what's your biggest Dynamic Duo streak?
Just curious what everyone's biggest win streak is to see if any useful rewards are ever given. I reached 100 tonight. Was rewarded with a 2-hour fish booster. Woohoo. 🙄 For the record, my buddy is one of those "absent" players - meaning I always pick up his/her slack. But to the point: What even is the point of these new…