Gold Bars disappeared?
I had 24 gold bars in Pet Rescue and they disappeared. I have since gotten 4 more, but how do I get the others back??
how do I get throught level 887 so fed up with it now pet rescue
how do I get past 887 been trying for days now
ennesima richiesta di aiuto
il tempo passa ed io continuo a non poter giocare a Pet Rescue Saga, qualcuno riesce a darmi una spiegazione? Mi è arrivata una mail dove era scritto che il problema era stato risolto, no, non è RISOLTO NIENTE! basta che mi dite cosa devo fare, devo togliere il gioco perchè non riuscite a sistemare il problema? bene, lo…
non mi fanno più entrare nel gioco
quando cerco di entrare nel gioco appare un cane che dice che non ho connessione e provare, ma io sono connesso. perchè non mi fate più giocare ?????????????
Waitng for new levels.... how many time it takes?
Sir I am at level 1917. when new levels receive to me. i am waiting for new levels..
how to play level 1810 pet rescue saga
playing the game i cant use any of the boosts to explode the timed bombs, i can never get 19 animals this way, looked at a lot of videos, and there they can use boosts, whats wrong?
Pet rescue saga level 241 bombs
Pet rescue saga level 241 has 2 bombs with way more moves. I've watched videos that show them disappearing but nothing I do works. Please help as I really enjoy playing but I'm stuck
How do you handle a billing issue? I had signed a credit card for billing purposes.
My billing was supposed to be done to my credit card. And it was but you were also billing me through Paypall. This started towards the end of September. I am sorry to say that I will not be able to purchase anything again until this is resolved. Please contact me as soon as you can. thank you.
Help with level 1810 of pet rescue saga
The line blaster booster generated by the game, as well as the line boosters I have on hand, won't clear the bottom row (i.e., the row with the "countdown" column boosters). I find it impossible to rescue the 19 pets with the inability to use the line blaster. On the YouTube videos I've seen, the line blasters all seem to…
Lost levels
I have lost my progress - I was on 964. Can you help me please?