What is wrong with my gameplay?
It is impossible for me to clear a level. Even for regular levels it takes me 20 - 30 or 40 times to play to have one level cleared. Sometimes like.. once in a zillion times I manage to clear 2 or 3 levels and than I have to play again for a week or more to get any further. That means: Weekly challenge - not possible as I…
What is wrong with my account? aka KING in this game
I need to confirm logging into Facebook every day or every other day to have my profile picture back. No commercials so I have to confirm or agree every time over and over again. ALL levels are impossible to play. The randomgenerator does not allow me to even finish the easy levels. If I have all boosters on.. NOTHING..…
Weekly game
How is it possible - if you join the weekly game and you just joined. First thing you see is players with already 58 levels played. ????? I just started. Did not even had the time to finish ONE game and this person on nr. 1 has already 58 completed. That means that I am placed with people in the group that were already…
Level 3763
This is suppose to be a difficult level. I would rephrase that and call it an Impossible level without boosters. 3 fields to clear. And when arriving at the last field inbetween 0 to 15 moves left and those are totally insufficient to clear that space. Not even getting close to 1/3 of getting it cleared. I use my daily…
Every day again
I have to connect to Facebook every day again. Although it said that I still have connection - I lose my profile picture and I lose the possibility to view publicity. That automatic generated profile-picture is also bothering me - and I am not able to change that. To fix it - very day I have to reconnect with facebook and…
where can you report a non functional commercial?
Extra boosters or more moves can be obtained by looking at commercials. In the commercial itself usually you see the time you have to look at it. There is one about roofing that does not work. If you follow the timer and want to continue when the timer is over after about 16 sec "oeps something went wrong - you have to…
Let an animal grow (up)
There is an image - let an animal grow up 50/50 goldbars that keeps popping up. I think I earned those goldbars but they are not paying off. Or something else is wrong. The moment I click on the collect button it gives the message "To collect failed! something went wrong, we will try again later. But that later does not…
Help players who are stuck
I am at the end of the game and waiting for new levels. New now is: Help Players Who Are Stuck what is very nice because it gives me a bit of distraction and playing possibilities while waiting. But the most annoying thing keeps happening when I am helping. Sometimes you just have levels that suck.. Horrible levels that…
New Friends requests!
Can somebody explain why I get all sorts of very strange unwanted friends requests? What friends are they? I don't know them! I don't want to know them!They are NOT my friends!I totally don't get it and like to know what it is and why it is.
Block unwanted advertisements
In Holland you show a medical commercial about a free e-book about diabetes - What doctors don't tell you! it is called. I strongly appose to King advertising for books about potential lethal illnesses. This belongs in a doctors office and if that doctor thinks it is suited to advice an e-book to somebody diagnosed with…