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Lost all my progress



  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429
    edited June 2021

    Hello, you should just update it, you won't lose any boosters. Did you uninstall and reinstall the game? If so, boosters can be lost in the process. I just didn't say that. Please play a level and the game will update and everything will be back.

    Please have some patience.

    If you bought boosters, I could help you, you need proof of this.

  • Patti21
    Patti21 Posts: 64

    Level 3

    I just updated it, I didn't uninstall/install. It hasn't put me back on the same level and I have lost boosters. I can provide proof.

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429
    edited June 2021

    Please go to this link and add pictures, your ID number and, if you have bought the booster, enclose the proof. Please explain everything and what you did. I can’t help you any more then. I'm so sorry. It always worked for the other players.

    Did you play a level?

  • 44dollydimples
    44dollydimples Posts: 11

    Level 2

    What a nightmare...had only the option of clearing the entire phones cache and have now only moved from being stuck on episode 198 to episode 208 and can't go any further...I should be on episode 215. Am I going to now be stuck on episode 208 forever!!!?

  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,574
    Answer ✓

    Hi @44dollydimples welcome to our sweet and helpful community.

    Please search your store for an update. The last update was unfortunately buggy. I too was sent back to episode 208. It's not up to you or your device.

    I did today's update and am now back to my current episode. This is 213. Unfortunately, there are no new levels with me although I have already seen in others that there are more episodes.

    Tomorrow I will fix my device's default:

    - Clear cache

    - unsubscribe from the game

    - Turn off the device and wait a few minutes

    - Turn device back on

    - Open game and log in again

     try again and hope to see the new episodes. 

    Have a nice day yet. I hope I was able to help you.

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @44dollydimples Hi and welcome,

    This has happened to a few people and i know the game mod @teresawallace44 is trying to get some information on this. i have tagged her here and She will update you when she has some news on this

    Thank you

  • teresawallace44
    teresawallace44 Posts: 4,436
    Answer ✓

    Hi @44dollydimples

    Check for any new updates for the game. Hopefully you have one just like @DieOmimi had a update. If not you’ll have to be patient and keep checking for new updates. 👍

    I will tag you in a new post when I find out for sure if there’s a new update. 🤗

    Thanks for the tag @Freddy_ 💕

    Teresa 🦋🌺🦋

  • teresawallace44
    teresawallace44 Posts: 4,436

    Hi @Aauughh

    Yes I will tag you too when I find out more. Please check for any new updates for the game as some has got a new update. 👍

    Please let me know if you do have a new update. Thanks. 🤗

    Teresa 🦋🌺🦋

  • 44dollydimples
    44dollydimples Posts: 11

    Level 2

    Thanks all.. did the update earlier today and cleared cache rebooted phone etc...still stuck on level 207 (not 208 as previously stated).

    Will just wait a few days to see what happens.

  • teresawallace44
    teresawallace44 Posts: 4,436

    Hi @Patti21

    Welcome to the King community. 🤗

    I am awaiting a reply from the studio about any new updates. Lost boosters might be another bug with this new update. I’ll tag you when I know more. 💕👍

    Please contact customer support from the link that @Spinnifix posted above also. The more that contacts them the faster they can fix it. Hopefully. 👍

    Thanks for the help @Spinnifix 💕

    Teresa 🦋🌺🦋

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