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Game won’t start (Apple devices) - Under investigation!



  • Frazer
    Frazer Posts: 4

    Level 1

    I have not given up but am also disappointed. It would be nice for King to at least acknowledge our frustration. I have spent a fortune on this game!

  • Bigmofrahere
    Bigmofrahere Posts: 4

    Level 1

    They are working on the problem, or so they say, but during this covid-19 outbreak they are probably very short staffed.

    It can be very difficult to track a bug, especially if they haven't replicated it on their devices. As it seams it is not affecting everyone.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,130
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Frazer Welcome Back to the King Community 🤗

    I am very sorry to say that, there is no improvement yet in the situation!

    The King team is still trying to find a fix! They were supposed to send a fix about 20+ days ago! But, not sure what happened, and the problem still persists!

    I just know that, because they cannot replicate the issue, they might not be able to find the root cause for the issue!

    Unfortunately, the Pyramid game Community Manager too does not have any update (as of Friday) to inform the players with! Hopefully, we will have some news in this upcoming week!

    Thank you very very much for your continuous patience and understanding 🙏

  • alexcroft
    alexcroft Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Another game update today on iOS with ‘bug fixes’ but it still won’t launch. Such a joke.

  • Lordtbone
    Lordtbone Posts: 12

    Level 2

    Guys how are you still waiting for king?? I did the following months ago and I’ve gone trough like 200 levels since..


    Before you do this keep in mind you lose all your boosters, jokers, scepters, extra cards and your progress if you haven't saved it. You could check on another device first to see if your progress is saved there when you log in.

    If you have saved your progress before (How to save progress? see: You can Touch and hold the app on the Home screen and then delete it. Get it again from the app store and it will work again! You do need to log in again to your or facebook account to carry on playing from where you left it. Keep in mind that you lose all your boosters, jokers, scepters and extra cards but at least you can play and there are have been unlimited lives for a couple of weeks now. It would even be worth risking to start from 0 again..

  • Honey_B
    Honey_B Posts: 6

    Level 2

    So after a month or so of being without the game I gave up. There’s many more important things in our lives than a game. It just so happened to be this is my unwind before bed game. I’ve found something new and that’s fine. I would like to update anyone who’s considering deleting it though. I never saved my game. I didn’t want to sign up with Facebook, or a King account. So I didn’t. After the game crashed that was it. No way to save it then. I was close to level 2000. I deleted it in the hopes maybe it would be restored as I left it, alas it was not. So back to level 1 in took me. I’m actually not playing it anymore. Just wanted to see what reinstalling it would do. So that’s all and I’m done with King games. Good luck out there!

  • jjaap
    jjaap Posts: 10

    Level 2

    Honey-b, I’m with you, move on. I don’t do Facebook nor want to save to King. The silence from them on this is deafening, you’d think online chat and keeping in touch would actually be a strength of theirs........ A tone deaf company like this is obv all about the money, I’ve no real issue with that but why don’t they drop the ‘community’ tag..... buy a book folks

  • Bigmofrahere
    Bigmofrahere Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Come on guys what’s happening? Not anything since 6th June

  • scubie2
    scubie2 Posts: 24

    Level 3

    I’ve not had access to game since March!! WHY! Can’t u guys just be truthful with us? How can I get th3 game up & running? PLEASE HELP!!!

  • hedy55
    hedy55 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    This game no longer works on my iPad. I do not want to lose all my progress. Last two updates have not fixed the issue. What is going on?

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?