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School days, school days, dear old golden rule days ....



  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Learning online came much later. We had books and pens. I am proud of that. The simple tools to learn. We had to look in books and cut them out. And so on.


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    Peggy, you are younger than me but in your school did you have to learn how to write with a pen that you dipped in ink in order to write? We had a hole at the top of the desk where the bottle of ink went. These younger community members are going to read our messages and think that we came from the stone age. 😁 I remember taking a typing course in high school and we had to use a typewriter. I have to go find a picture. brb.............

    This is what we had to type with. We had to press the keys hard and then when we finished the line we had to push that lever to the right to advance to the next line. What a nightmare! The kids today have it much easier with laptops and mobile devices.

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429



    We only had that !! Typewriter was only in the offices and offices. We only had the simplest. My sister later had a calculator at your school.

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429
    edited August 2020


    I also know the tables with the hole, we had them and put our books and notebooks on them. But these tables, in ink right, had had a generation before. We don't anymore.

    I went first to the speech therapy kindergarten and then to the speech therapy school. Since I have had a language problem since my difficult birth, due to the lack of oxygen.

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429
    edited August 2020

    That was my school. Since it wasn’t enough, we took it with us to the Rudolf Harlass Oberschule. We had taken the top floor with us for our school. My school started when I started school from 1st grade to 5th grade and every year another class was added. Later she went up to grade 10. You could finish school with grade 8 if you wanted. Everything was different for me. The language therapy school was the only one in the GDR. The students came to us from all over the GDR. In the beginning, the language difficulties weren't that bad. But that got worse. Later we had 7x - 1st grade. That was a lot. We also had school classes for spelling and maths weakness.

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    Peggy I remember those cartridge pens! Those came later on after the pen with the ink in the bottle. This is the pen that we used and dipped it in the ink.

    And this is what our school desk looked like.

    I must have been the generation before if you didn't use that pen and I did.

    My granddaughter had speech problems and she had therapy and private therapy. She is now 12 years old and she is doing so much better now. So I know what you must have gone through.

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    We also had the fountain pens, where you could fill the back of the ink, so pull up from the inkwell.

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    I was diagnosed with chronic tonic stuttering. As a child it was really bad. I couldn't get the word out. Then I forgot. The speech defect remains. At school he was 99% gone. In his professional life through bullying, he was back. I still have it. Sometimes pretty good and then bad again. It changes. I get on well with it and no longer shy away from people. For that I have become too self conscious !! Thank God.

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