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School days, school days, dear old golden rule days ....

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
edited August 2020 in Discussions

School days, school days

Dear old golden rule days

Reading and writing' and rithmetic ...........

(Listen to the song on YouTube here)

The beginning of the school year is approaching fast. Since we all live in different countries the first day of school will be different everywhere. In the USA, some states start before Labor Day, while others start right after the holiday weekend. With the COV-19 still active in the USA there is a big controversy going on regarding in-class vs online class. The teachers do not want in-class, nor do a lot of parents. At the moment in my state the governor has said 2 days in-class and 3 days online class, but that could change at any time. Some of the colleges have started up with in-class and they are already seeing students taking advantage of partying. The 3 or 4 schools have been on the news and you can read more about a what’s going on here.   

Back to the topic! 

I just uploaded my new story – School days, school days ……….. 

For those of you who enjoy reading my stories, I think you’re going to enjoy this! By the way, this story has been dedicated to @Sofia1992 and @candycrushinit since Nutcracker is their favorite character. 

I would like to hear from all of you so let’s all post a message about school. It can be an update on how the schools in your area are planning to handle in-class with the virus. It could be a memory that you cherish about when you were in school. It could be a comparison of your country’s school to another country’s school system. Or, it could be a memory of your first day of school and what it was like. 

Don’t be shy and please share……………………..

Signed with love from Elsa, storyteller



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