🗞 Monthly Community Newsletter - August 2021

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Hi & Welcome to our community newsletter of August!
We hope you’re feeling great and if not, this newsletter might help put a smile on your face. So get comfy, put on your glasses, sit back, relax and enjoy the reading!
🎨 On the front page this month
We are excited as we're running our first ever Fan Art contest! It’s all about fun - That you are the new Yeti DaVinci or barely know how to hold a pen, it does not matter! Everyone is welcome and has a chance to win… great time guaranteed! So don’t hesitate any more second and join us in the Art Nook. We're waiting for you!
Pssst... The rumour has it that there is a badge to get!
👑 News from the different Kingdoms
🍬In the Candy Crush area we're celebrating sports! Are you feeling athletic? Then warm up your thumbs and Join the Crusher League 💪
Also... A big celebration is coming soon to the game and we want YOU to be part of it! So keep an eye around and stay tuned!
👭It’s the Wild West Splash time in the World of Candy Crush Friends! And for the occasion, Olivia’s got a brand new costume. Check it out here - Yee Ha 🤠
🥤Never could decide which game’s best between Candy Crush Soda and Candy Crush Friends? Well, who said you have to pick one?! Join our Soda Friends games here for fun and sweet rewards!
Create soda-licious Colorbombs to get Gold bars and a badge right here!
And in Soda too there'll be some exciting stuff coming in August... Are you ready for some extra fun? Stay tuned because next week there will be a new Soda Season coming!
🍮 Our Jelly-cious developer @eliodeb has answered your questions! Read what he has to say about the game and its future here.
👨🌾 Don’t miss out the chance to win Gold bars and badges for your favourite Farm, right here!
💫 In the spotlight this week...
Did you know that you could now link your community account to your King one? This will help you to:
- Get Help faster and better
- Receive Gold Bars when winning prizes
- Get Rewards your way directly into your account
Find out all about it here!
🎬Did you know...
... the Hazelnut Crunch blocker's (in CCFS) name was given by one of our Community member?! To find out who and how check this here 😊
(More about the Hazelnut Crunch here too).
🗞 Community stuff
😎 Meet our Member of the month, @Greymane and find out how to become Member of the Month yourself here!
(Well done, @Greymane 🥳)
🏅Last but not least, come tell us what’s your favourite sport and grab your August badge just here!
That's it for this month!
We hope you have a great time with us. Stay happy - We'll see you around the Community 🍒
That was great! Thank you for your sharing August Newsletter to us! Community Team! ❤️😊
Tagging active Community Hub Players into spoiler :
@Yosca, @Jasmina, @Fakhri, @ArmyArms, @Sofia1992, @Julie_Andrews, @Elsa, @siti_payung, @Spinnifix, @Sukanta_Biswas, @christine88, @encantes, @DeepshikhaSharan, @Sharon_Loose, @Acv, @Sammyjo, @aijaziqbal, @hechicerilla, @wykoon, @teresawallace44, @Pitty_Kitty, @Tzvi_Marcu, @ElenaVorona, @fabke, @ChrisMiller, @CerbeRus777, @Cats4Caz, @lilmamachrislong34, @Timhung, @GlenysB, @laley, @Roary2020, @dananelle, @Angel1207, @CassD, @Bookster, @Priyacandy, @Andres-2, @Tasty_Cake, @nguyenanhduy1591999, @littlemissmim08, @santo_chris97, @rebelchild, @David5023, @carodilo, @ffs, @istuff, @MandyP123, @Mad81, @carmenechevarria, @Lexi, @D2V, @Glenn1972, @SabrinaM, @johamilton, @kiara_wael, @Werner_Cichy, @Nck, @Nat09, @bearwithme, @paul5473, @Crimson_Dawn, @candycrushinit, @gr33n3y3z, @Albert_Heinrich, @Byrd59, @tininha1975, @Ashraf, @Mary_Kay, @LoveDachs, @PrettyBubbles, @MountainMom, @Princess_lovely, @SBH, @Yorben_Goeree, @rajdeeptb, @Leslie_B, @Nix66, @NamTruong2001, @Anahita_2005, @ipete, @Origins7_Dale, @Iffu2, @me6412, @Freddy_, @DieOmimi, @Cagnes, @Greymane, @yonahselcy, @jeanps, @BubbleGumSoda, @bekicrusher, @Annwat, @Kezabelle3, @Nwosu, @maryjane117, @NikolaosProdromidis, @pearl_chetna, @S_u_n_s_h_i_n_e, @Loser9, @LilyEvans, @lelensp, @JoJo75durham, @malikaleena, @messenabout, @spoat, @DaniTheOG, @ItsTrish24, @Lucy71, @2021Crystal, @2_B_Beamer_, @Racoon7, @katsusy, @GetHanked, @lhalha, @irishkazza, @tashanight3, @Precious0914, @Shilviya18, @crisaniya, @actipton80, @lilikoikisses, @shafer223, @MollyS, @idh1000, @kbj79, @Skthmom4, @OrdinaryChick1986, @Normally1, @borntodrive, @DGenevieve, @Moh1977, @dalauncarroll, @Poontigger5, @Micah_King, @BQN537, @amykatt33, @msgraca, @peggyvereen, @Palash_Sarma, @bkychau, @aautz1, @PaisleyAbi, @Marzia333, @gemazing, @Nadia1770, @Pixie06, @SerenaCleveland, @tootsie86, @JenniJoy, @MonicaTanguma, @EOTheGr8, @godchosen, @BlueRaven0408, @vanvan1503, @awelch10, @a_trost, @GrammaGaming, @ReinaSweets, @Ginny72, @may28, @sue78, @Rocha77, @DarqueLady
** If who wants to subscribe Community Hub Tagging List, please check and comment here! Thanks! 😊 **
Tagging Bubble Witch 3 Players into spoiler :
(1-9) and (A-F)
@1191970815 , @12tHstreet , @13monster , @21FurandFeatherPets , @2damthicc , @2muksu , @5878896038 , @9308230112086ML , @aajjtls , @abauwens , @AbiB , @AdamLeOldSport , @Adamsd1783 , @Adeboye , @adrinamadatyan , @afresh30 , @Aidinpm64 , @ajauld , @alacey , @Alami14121412fahad , @alanc12345 , @AleB , @aley319 , @Aliceanne_74 , @alleydoodle , @alotacrazy , @Altyrone7088 , @alwalter619 , @Amara1234 , @Ambtom , @Amy1284 , @Andie79 , @Angel_Eyes , @Angeleyes67 ,@Angy1969 , @anko_hh , @annabell64 , @ANNEKE-4 , @Annemieke54 , @annie165 , @april_bby23 , @Ardnasak , @arian90 @Ariane7950 , @ariel2021 , @ArriettyM , @astong , @Athena , @athena520 , @AuroraTheGoddess , @Avideh324 , @aweeks6969 , @ballcapghost , @barbmb , @barbscamaro , @Bathymaas ,@Beamy ,@bella1202 , @benswifey08 , @berns188 ,@berrybest1 , @Bershie1 , @bethanikrista , @betternetter , @Beverley10 , @Beverly825 , @Bevette , @bidder , @birdlover57 , @bintz18 , @Blky2k , @BlueEyedBubble3 , @boojum99 , @bpretty55 , @bratts1234 , @Brenda84 , @BrendaY12 , @BrezBre85 , @bri_marie , @bridgetmassey , @brokenangel , @Brownbug , @bryteyes44 ,@BubblificHeaven , @Buggi , @BULLDOG76 ,@bumblebee3 , @Bunnieofthemoon , @butterfly79 , @Buttersup , @CA530Guy , @cabbiecomm ,@Cadams , @Cangho , @CapetownZA ,@CappyKC , @CarliA , @casey7 , @caseyfazel , @casperunicorn69 , @Cassy2012 , @Cathy1966 , @CatSchaBo2 , @cbrjones , @cece11282003 , @chancleta , @charal ,@Chayo19 , @Chele88 , @Chell0430 , @cherie1220 , @chimecinder , @Chms2000 , @chris60 . @chrismccracken68 , @Christiane1960 , @christithelion , @chrystal7 , @Cimplime , @cindyballard @cindylouwitchypooh , @Cindyterry , @cinte , @CLKUHNS , @cmt , @cnichols52 , @Cobear3 , @colina , @Connerml , @Connie66 , @conny_c , @CorkCork , @corndragon , @coultes , @Countrygirl393 , @crazylagringa14 , @Cricket70 , @crystalbarker88 , @crysterry , @Cstoney78 , @cte32787 , @ctemae , @cvb1959 , @cyprusgal , @dakotagurl98 , @dana13dg , @danandmonicat , @DangerRanger , @daniEmmons77 , @DaniMiller77 , @DansBooBurr , @darknessangel40 , @daughterofanarchy , @davahotmail ,@dawnprather26 , @DeannaKgoswick ,@Debbie6364 ,@DebbieC89 , @debbievelie , @Debra_Akins @deckarda2 , @della803 , @dene ,@Deniseld , @desynvr2late , @devinboyd , @Diane_Calderbank , @Die_Ober_Hexe , @djbollo , @DJGHOST82 , @dlbrause , @donewthu2020 , @donna215 , @Donnaj123 , @Doodiebunk , @Doogie , @dranby , @DrGma_Stanley , @drvexaminer , @dtami , @DU123 , @Dusty , @edowens67 , @Eismieze , @Ejg21578 , @elianaramirez , @Elohelay , @eltigreataca ,@eman_mirza , @emerrpymail , @Emilie_Hook , @emily_kiko , @eppslisa617 , @eri19 , @erinleigh2020 , @Eva2810 , @Evarod9 , @eveholman ,@eyore2003 , @Faidz0452 , @Fannie48 , @farapafa , @farmer_giles , @fattslim , @fattslim60 ,@feefee45 , @FeliciaVezina1 , @fernando6 , @flwrchld53 , @Fightinblue2u , @fineanddandy , @Fonda_Smith , @freckled_shoulders , @FreddieB7 , @frejon , @frerub , @frogie ,
12 -
(G - M)
@gabri94 , @gar16002 , @gardenbabycakes , @gatekeeper20 ,@George_Parfitt ,@Gi2 , @gianna16 , @Ginamay , @gingin74 , @gjkoras , @Gladys5d , @glenn1957 , @Glorybose , @gmverdi1976 , @gokalsudha , @gps2 , @Gullranka , @GumWah , @h59elmer , @happiness , @hargungagan ,@haucaz ,@Hayleys , @haynhumble07 , @hazyeyes74 , @hcarswell , @Heart62 , @hebod , @HelenaPires18 , @HidyBoo , @hildreth , @HOLGERBATMAN , @HoneyThief , @hotchoco26 ,@HubsouthGorilka , @Hutzelmann , @Hybrid107 , @i2ikombat80 , @ibukunBalogun , @Idaholove77 , @iluvgames123 , @ImAnOutsider12 ,@indianoutlaw_winter , @inprocess97 , @IQueEN , @isaali58 , @itzyman , @ivypooh , @jacksen , @jamiedoolin1033 , @JamieW , @JanEbell , @janet29 , @jansplace ,@janvishubham , @Jasminrose , @jaweast, @Jayamal , @Jaydie , @jayjay229 , @jaylin , @jbidness , @jejo , @JelenaZhukova , @jenmcd99 , @jenn_2001 , @jenney , @Jennnc34 , @jennycourt1 , @JForshee83 , @jimnena90 , @Jivetar , @jmh3X_1994 , @jnjtwo , @joansheng , @JodiC , @jonesy350 , @JordensNaNa , @Jordibird , @JOSEPH16 , @josielu , @Joyously01 , @jrite , @JRN , @Junkpunchr , @jueng , @JujuHope76 , @junelady , @justapenny , @Justin_Burundi, @jwellslea , @jwhin18 , @Kaitrikar , @kaleshia123 , @kaouther , @KateKate77331 , @kathyjavorich , @kathys321 , @Katiebug , @kavidaya ,@kaylcee , @kazidawg9 , @kbescb , @kbirdbird , @kdrocks , @KEITH_3 , @Kellie-2 , @Kellie3472 , @kelseyvasquez , @KennyWilcher , @kerlouane , @KERRBEAR76 , @Ketzergon , @keywezzy , @Keztinsley101 , @Kiababy1212 , @kiapaulse , @kikimagoo , @Kim_Bozek , @kimmarie56 , @kims68 , @kk10 , @klashun , @Knocksville , @Kricketsarekrunchy , @Kris0274 , @Kris19 , @KristyMarie92 , @knuclej , @Krzysiek88 , @ktmk ,@kweenb , @L_F_Perry , @laceymisawa , @LadyLei , @LADYSASHALYN , @Ladyt60 , @LadyThor , @lagags , @LAL66 , @lam1000 , @lanamsmith80 , @Laura_López , @Lauriea , @LDOgburn , @LDSPRO , @LeathaPhelps , @leener97 , @leheakins , @Lele54 , @Lemurtek , @lengesath , @Lesley-6 , @Lh11965 ,@Libertyissocool , @lillieflower123 , @lilsexy69692 , @LilyPie @vkally , @linda1958webb , @LINDARAZOR1 , @Lipsey12 , @LisaMarie , @littleoldladywho , @ljmiller7 , @lmjmyhappiness , @Logical257 , @Lol_N0 , @LoriMoore ,@lotus7806 , @Love56 , @Lovely2021 ,@Lrands102 , @ltarb110 , @LuaPavan , @Luchi1 ,@Lucia1511Aa , @Luna68 , @lunahouse , @lynncumbie , @LynnW2 , @mad_aisy , @Madalena28 , @Maff ,@Maggiej49 , @Magicorn , @mamasan87 , @Manager , @mandachas24 , @Manie912 , @Margo_Holloway , @mariah17 , @marian1963 , @marielag , @Mariesel , @Marijared , @mark35160 ,@marshwomyn , @martagea , @maryg1430 , @Maryjc , @matius_abiroso , @maus0707 , @maybellie , @mbuntin , @mdn1 , @meanesspam , @meanunclesteve , @megashark , @Melansongirl , @Melisandre , @meme57 , @Mer_2016 , @Methadras , @micdarkaz1969 , @Michele4ou , @MicheleHogg ,@milkysara , @MilunoSilver , @mindy26 , @mindylarson19 , @minicrashyahoocom19 , @misirichards , @Missi61 , @missy1313 , @missywhopoo , @mistyrowe42 , @MJazzyL , @mletuli , @mneldo , @Mohamed007 , @mohdzakiey , @mommy2 , @momosia , @Monetrenua ,@monnaqie , @mono1020 , @mooly77 , @Moon65 , @Moonbeam379 , @Morgan_Hepper , @mosbacher80 , @mosi13 , @Mr_B81 , @mrmrshemi , @MrSajadRz , @msbrotis1 , @MthrOfPearl , @muppettuna , @muslim , @Mystery1966 , @mystydaye
(N - Z)
@n8tiveione , @naboney , @nadsali , @Nanayana , @Nanna1151 , @Nannieof5 , @NannyLinda , @Nanzo , @NashR84 , @NaszIsaac77 ,@nathalie2905caron @naturesquaw , @nese1947 , @Nilceia , @nimitz40 , @Nk_sexy1204 , @Norma_Mathieson , @Norrablomman , @nymphadora , @o2cool , @oceanrush92 , @omgitsagaygirl @onyxking87 , @otrhona , @ounti , @Pam_Ramsey , @parkesygamer88 , @pattyj , @paynee , @Peanutgal , @PeeWee_Garner ,@peincess , @penguin123r6 , @PennyZ , @pepper118 , @pequecantoral , @perfectly_imperfect , @PerfectStorm , @phi1ar , @phkay , @Phoenix79 , @Piccollo , @pimonte , @PJNew21 , @Plaulau , @Pooka2 , @precious123 , @Prettymsdance , @Probhodana ,
@Puppe , @Pysanka , @Queenieg4 , @QueenieMcGuire , @quianzj77 , @raelynn74602 , @Raetzman , @rahcards , @ralumley , @rararachael85 , @rasjr92 , @RegansHere , @ReneAlen , @rhamesses , @rhondadearmond , @rhondagearin67 , @Rick1969 , @Rixgrlraven , @rkd4usc , @Robinson21 @Rocko_1 ,@rocky1997 , @romalv , @Roman2018 , @roo4002 , @RReck , @ruben19 , @rukz , @runt64 , @Runzwsizzorz , @rusty2 , @rutgerdewitx , @saedhanfy55555 , @SAMcat0102 , @samd1 , @samiyamommy , @SammieSweetheart1994 , @sanddris92 , @Sandyhplay , @sandyscove , @sarangd , @SarLou , @sassySarah , @SavageMaMaz124 , @SavingGrace , @scotsgrey63 , @Screwchaser , @Seija_Gregor , @SeraGulersoy0929 , @SexcKit , @Sexynaenae , @sgoass1954 , @shado700cc , @Shakyalmond , @shanai82 , @shanda0413 , @Shanna_Banana , @sharpshooter8888 , @shavon , @ShayShay89 , @shelby_fka_davidson , @sherwood1995 , @shira17 , @shisino , @shona1502 , @shorty2346 , @shrofv , @shroomsgrl , @Shwh67 , @SickBoy13 , @silviadelatorre , @simmo40 ,@Sindatur , @SiReK , @SirWellington , @siti_payung , @sixxy001 , @sjbwhite20 , @sjkbeckham , @skduwhekskhe , @slhamby ,@slotstarkey , @SLPJeep2020 , @smacster , @Smarties1 , @Smatter , @smcm6370 , @smcmscctc , @Snardly , @Solomon6 , @solsen622 , @Speicker1 , @srynes01 , @Stac_Sue , @starcloud2020 , @StayFocusedOnUs , @stellanoita , @stephens004 , @Stiffy , @stina36 , @StuckInATree , @SueBee717 , @suedee , @sunniskyes , @Susancarol @Suzuka , @SuzyDoozy , @sweets0426 , @Sylvia382 , @SylwiaRum , @taina388 , @taito2000 , @tankman , @TanyaBucel , @Taratobin1980 , @Tasmeen , @TempleKassing , @temptressregna8 , @Texastornado , @TG2022 , @The_disaster_1 , @theertha__krishna , @TheMatrixster , @Theodora_Doreta , @Thilerges , @Tia46vsJd79 , @tiannap , @tichia , @tigsmum , @TinaMarie2021 , @tinymoore0424 , @Tlhbang , @tmp1710 , @TMStoner1 , @Tom999 , @tombos, @TootyTooty , @topblk , @TotoAml , @traci54 , @traveler2007 , @treborslady , @TreeThom , @Trina72 , @Trish2420 , @Trish517 , @tscheip , @TugUgly , @Tupac19 , @twibble87 , @Twintiggrz , @txmoogie , @TXWildflower , @ugadawg , @ugocent , @unicornweis , @unitrish1953 , @urangel327 , @Urmi_Islam , @UrsulaClaussen , @VampireAngie , @_vani_patel_ , @vic185053 , @vicki01 , @Vilminha7 , @Vimutisuk , @VioletWitch , @Vmpyrchik , @Vontrae , @wedonotconsent , @Werti , @whereishannaa , @whitneyv , @wickedassone , @williamsdenise36 , @wizardguy80 , @wizardsense , @wordeater , @wtiger17470 , @wwitch , @Xaylem , @ylia12 , @youknewthis , @yulisey , @ZeeMom ,@zhengarthur2418 , @zJzJ , @ZombieNinjaGrrl
9 -
Tagging CCS and CCSS Players into spoiler :
CC: @__MULLIGANACEOUS__, @KrazeK, @Merx_Gonzalez, @serviceste735, @rachmariie, @RedHeadAllTheWay, @mnm41, @hanhtranvietnam, @Alizakhan, @twila, @Fakhruddin-2, @JoMama311, @Scorpio54, @Perdiansyah, @Fences, @Cw1310, @bobjenn327, @brent_doolin, @Stephanschulz, @dianaperez200, @Nazakat, @Frupje, @Dadderdanei, @AllisonTravis, @dajare, @arwen777, @Julianah, @andresjis, @MJB_JDB_EPB2013, @kims68, @yoph_1234, @tmgiuffre, @Ecam, @MUNOZSUSANA172, @twingader, @Alienscar, @sierrajanet, @kreamnsuga79, @Fahriddin, @Beeves21, @SabrinaGregory, @TWalsh, @greddycandy, @tanii19, @nickwilliams, @lacrosskim, @olyamt, @AmyE2018, @pupikat1, @Petrena, @MajuHaj, @nacona123, @Yaya777, @fuchsika, @Marcellus_Cémeris, @Germano_, @MattieLilly, @tollerdog01, @Fakhruddin-2, @creswell, @rare, @NikitaAnne, @aflood93, @buckie, @maria_labrador, @Kapri_Rose, @Shevonne, @Lady_Eragon, @deplayer, @exterminador, @YoshLee44, @HughLaurie1959, @TheCapstodian, @glcoop66, @LeahK, @Queen_Neni, @Blaxer, @joshua2c, @smokingcat, @paco1234, @MonroeH, @rach42, @tinaruparel, @rare, @CandyCrushCustodian, @candyujwal, @C17LOAD, @danicandy, @Suzanne_Mel, @Mommyof3yay, @Nenikapaki, @Boybinary, @alexarya, @Magic_Mixer, @KaseyM, @HughLaurie1959, @julzie68, @sweetjenna, @Buck3132, @PGS210, @Pcastel, @traxx2007, @KENTFIELDER, @2much, @cjay63, @lakiere, @Colleen-12, @starlighters101, @fam44, @bsabrina69, @niecy76570, @Niome, @Pixie06, @paintyew094, @cindyclagg, @sambulance, @cherride, @kdemello101086, @swanmom, @thangpuii, @Angeladawn74, @Goldenswordz, @Shirtae, @Joyfully, @Meahlover, @chickenlittles214, @Phillygrl, @betchiegrl29, @jsscdodd031 CCS : @Twi @swabby @TWalsh @Pcj @S42S @Adav @SagaR @jayteedy @2easy @Gylia @kukajb @wwiii @natzbiz @MrKizart @Rab123 @maalik @Tranic @ultrad @laydeebae @prezy22 @FOBET @Gumyupawpaw @jverley420 @mcbrown @Sk1tZo_JuGGaLo @Ecam @megumspuds @lexlishious @Sherri_Bouknight @kikiray23 @deedles916 @PatWay @Deobella @giotaki @sredjent @ale_f @shuping17 @KTMac @sandritis2 @Autofire @DoYourLaundry @Lolley1982 @Kelutwo @peach1997r @Tamesa48 @miss_monnie @BossQueenLiss80 @ncoll19 @Casey965 @vstexas @Doppo @AaronH @brownsugar2115 @Ernie545 @mattmahar8 @Milinka @giorgos_mos @RayB3109 @amber_dawn @Lizly62 @shall2 @Yaz_Milani @heatherK1970 @Mary8Moeeeee @albski @sipc @SaraVitaMoore @jayteedy @jennifritz @clarey @Cece322 @KristieJ @deepakstha @jlynnb23 @purple0822 @jodihunter05 @suzekit @MommaMary5 @daniella82 @js7902 @crushingsweets @Kayleekay @lacyleroy @rienepien @nannewbct @dugglebb @sarahmd @LoloBash51 @Beachgirl63 @JaclynAmes @Mjo1986 @Crazy_cat_lady_1 @DukeSR8 @Verna_Ellenson @maxinegio @MissyLuvsB2020 @gasrenus @na0218dajks @PatWay @Bantino @1235Hardy @yogachik @Havish @Staceybich @kujo54 @LiL_Pixie @bugs_burny @Kim_Steel @lindasin @DocCha @Cute_Tiffi @eldutton @Chrismp @pat1man @bernirc77 @smidgesgirl @NuggyBoo @Kjlyman1 @billjerry @Vunke1987 @nettieg @jess2901 @mzphitz @Anniemcmanus @KILLEY2 @OOOlena @bflyrose1107 @Channi34 @chirag0406 @malloryp @tininha1975 @jellyjean @Gingersnappyg @Sayo04 @nickwilliams @aguslicka @bsabrina69 @040890 @tommie1986 @SidLock @Bricorn @Carol_Kero @ShaqKnox @batman27 @joshua2c @buttbaby920 @renamifsud2 @AlainaHS @Johnny5salive @Nubiaoliver @pearlyc1p @davidm61 @Crazyforfun @Mercedes_Diaz @biekeella @ranathunga @tommie1986 @mini8 @LynnAnderson @CharmedCat @stickmandan @Sab97150sxm @Saori @ejhawke @SanthaSá @lotsakids @Neena_s @TheresaGrafton @Nanakyejames @RayvenL_ @ddow @supermomster2018 @tamike000 @NahlaElhady @bernie9090 @dannyalvaro @JessiBoop_87 @MelissaMMDP @Honey_5708
Tagging CCJS and CCFS players into spoiler :
CCJ: @DerPanther @BimbaBimba @mafong @ThetHtar @wdalman @LASHANINDA @hsain @darlenejr88 @Eneida_Ndulo @Radek1966 @Lfloyd95 @JMag @mhemz @Lingus @AceK @sideout2121 @babijane @mmc0515 @LotusC @dmcundiff1978 @Ohema @chickyjelly @beanie904 @MariaDella @jellystar @ZeesLady @tonefernandes @ButterScotchJonz @QueenRabbit @ktrost11 @SayuriHamada @BAWS @lisacz1984 @1509hk1547 @samsimpson945 @NatalieG @Alyse_Mac @NatalieArefjeva @tinytara1970 @dawnprather26 @neuticles @janeau_owl @Jenplayer @Dracojdh @grffxprs @mjeffcoats @Connie-19 @Jaak_Anari @Scott93 @tarin98 @Amy_Hindman @ninjachic75 @peturnea @fabulouskiki @JaVo_eL_GaTo @Alecsandra @bwalthour @armywife @rebeldoll @Dawn_Brown @QueenJill @FiveStar59 @cracker @travler_girl @zooj @Canddddddyyyyyyyyyy @MDT842 @queenshenia @Nosi84 @KETTIEPIE990 @musie @JLC13 @Sinaman @Gville @MelindaSue @kimmy1030 @NADINESIWA@beansyoo @Laurenciamo @usakohope @Elthan @letmewin @gamgamz2104 @carrielee @BICBILLY @chan5 @LuluDK @EndreUjvari @Purplelife_50 @c78reynolds @chaz1986 @user1015 @CayliesGranna @classych @Pablo_G @Mrs_Leavens1991 @krystie @logger1997 @hyl @123neha @MiMiDots @bre1313 @fhartell @mickeykyger @ndennison @KarmaPolice @julyahnamcbraxa @gracie8188 @eimmitzurc @tinka1048 @rodrigokinney @talkinboutlola @Ace94 @BarBoucq99 @whiss @maryler @Jilybean74 @tarynleeshae @Anazxo @beckerfix @BMummert46176 @Krystal07 @Stefanie_Keyes @PRONeiro @JMag @Amkenny @romanticreader85 @Sancias @ktrost11 @fishfan626 @NatalieG @MrsBlinkie @NatalieArefjeva @elm12811 @MommaSweed @irishrose0312 @Destiny_13 @MimisBug @95chata @crazyjr123 @GiGiPerry @oliamel @CLEMDOG @cathybaz @mccarty1934___ @Abbeyd26 @Lily_Poulin @TerryCabo @TaraFB @barb1924 @Brillyints @seajay @mldubus @jessy_marcal @PattyRae @Lingus @whit113 @lovemybabyjs @DawnScott12 @Chankie @munci19 @aryn @MzHoney @mp36__ @Bossyldy35 @SaraKay0404 @pita28bug @lisaluvs @cjabba @CorbinT @SumWeWin @Cleoandrobyn @RHmarine21 @Jess42079 @zzhourglass @Taisueki @Bamablondechick @BoSkully312 @d_d @Rangas @lilronnie79 @chelecrusher @nicolegucci @Riccardob1988 @NikkiJean710 @EMB428 @shadyvenus311 @jacksonlegacyfive @Miche1982 @jsscdodd031 @Channi34 @Fishyfun @Suzy_00 @Kdaniel2015 @mar_mar @Gyongyusz @bluelaura177 @Netay75 @David_Wolfson @ljbuckets @Tomatohead70 @Vicky_Renee @rshannon @Deb-5 @katee1959 @dennylove82 @mosi_47 @chrkiki79 @Nell16 @npetrik
@RachelBieman @Ronda_Sanders @Heidstar @cheers2u @WILLKIMBER69 @Thumper2020 @happyem @VVDA @Lil'_Momma @Christie037 @chris0212 @jabuford @Snailfedex @Taofeekoye @kiyah2011 @Uffe82 @dm1 @mcintoshcourtney @Beams_Jones @tammy77 @james477 @matchorno @lric @lindaz432 @BatmomVA @Menarley @rebaamoush206 @TexasT54 @Tiatouti @SiReN33xx @ChickaDee2019 @thatgirlGG @TalulaRae @KayyB505 @emmsb @pricesafiyyah @cosita7 @smellanie35 @roxana72wild @Taofeekoye @mara200 @AprilEstes @MyGrandmaBear @nghecute @VVDA @Queenie23 @Michelanie @dangermouse_5915 @kristwn853 @newhope1957 @rebaamoush206 @jeannieh @Lerissa @TABBYJO712 @mdesavage @GingerLaBonte @outlander @klev8628 @Mrsmandefero @pikelake @carla196647 @KerriHeroux @brennant13
CCF: @wabsy246, @wbh_cecilia, @JSimpson4, @NikitaOhOh, @GingerBlueEyes, @MelMel1975, @ellectra, @Ransome30, @Winge, @anickol3, @little_kay, @lincow, @Ruksana541, @ACDW, @dharryfn, @daniel47, @samuye2222, @Kate3A, @taraskelly1, @barbfuentes1, @Annwat, @spring_queen_18, @july1988, @actress, @marandamcintosh568
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Tagging PP, FH, PS, BB and DD players into spoiler :
PP: @ruiva001 , @Peetra , @Ooma_Segran , @ZoricaPanda , @kamonrut19, @Feligirl , @mary12 , @Marry79 , @Pat_Ferraro , @lorraine5050 , @Marbelles , @Priscilla_Nooner , @CarlitaAlfonso, @sarahkupton @GTFan , @trudymitch , @Bets. @lingho .@Snelee . @assir_elbaradei @buzzlightyear_uk @lizzy58 . @SexyCrush . @tigger123 @carollbiel .@tabby33 .@candyfloyd2. @sassysasha91 .@ringobatkin .@marianngerwig .@sml309, @12monty34 .@Snelee. @klaybasket. @Gatica .@daisycake .@cooper123 .@Katrina47 .@DonnaB2 .@Joost_Theunis @tracierana .@Nicole_Neubert95 .@Kat-6 @Jane_S . @Keera0913 .@navypsyc .@haus . @Maddie_Ivey @jujito0 @pusaaa @fifi321 @desertflowers04 @bergfuchs @918874145 @PiperLeonberger @Nicole_Neubert95 @hasuna @tam52 @grandadboats @assir_elbaradei @iqsd @Piccaso @godders60 @billionaire @SirThinkALot @MarineChica @ndaoz FH: @10eke @AmyLeigh78 @anacris65 @Ana_Manole @Angieweeks @Anisa4G @Anna79 @AidensMomma0404 @Boombalatty @bosschick @cilantro @claudiawojtyla @cristhianinho @Croppy @cte32787 @Dada13 @Daddy123 @Darkstar @DawnieC @dbomesberger @DeDog @dilli02 @donte06 @eggybean @Filly_McBean @floydgirls16 @funny1234 @Grachuh @GranBarb @haraikaria @hbic29 @janka879 @jess94 @jessortiz @Joy_21 @JuLaCrafting @Juliuszkuliusz1 @kaitmr @kdorr @kellygirl813 @kingtrixi @KissesXOXO @Kochanie @Krefly @LeaC @Laetitia_Van_Zyl @Leny05 @lilica7805 @lollyspears @lubblady38 @lynnetteS @mahdiealmahdie @MartaP @Mary211987 @Melbennett @Monia040588 @mymeshell1975 @Niunia88 @noorabusahab @nowshin @Olivia_Lim @pepper118 @Peque7 @Pherez @piaandersson @PuppaJudge @Rinno2013 @RobinTruitt @Racoon7 @rfjh5 @Rosenrot @sanajla @sarahheather5 @sayhaya @ShannonCriswell @siruelita_1234 @Star_11 @stingynina @stokrotka @thamby @tkbm7872 @valio75av @wissem_smida @ZeOne @Hippie64 @SANNE1971 @Plumedargent @ainacio @Mary1968 @fandad @MetBob58 @cinacio @Lindamay66 @Grumpy_Old_Man @kagome77 @vine98 @MarkyTobi @NRP @DSJDMJ @Krystib @babydiallo @Heatherlaw8686 @Raro_Joyce @ajpepper @delish83429 PS: @kizzybum @adestazio @Teaser1997 @Thin_icE @Jenni51 @fabianaolivera @sandikay @snowmom @Awsmola @ruffeye @MzMarquita @QLC @nonirowe @Reneeblade @Prioleau58 @Moonlite2 @ultrad, @Marcella_UX, @sharrachel, @gina1887 @John_Cooper-3 @tryland @debfay55 @yass78 @Lorna_Druschke @lizbeth4 @kathy3220 @leg28 @OseeASi @beachcat @TheresaArrington @Prioleau58 @Marilungo85 @44dollydimples @love2read @celinem @natty_j @jacquespbcx @christinecederberg @jinty1911 @Patti21 @pattina @dotty1997 @1radfam @Lourdes65 @kiwirose62 @daz4a69 @lemsip1 @conniepark @GwenynGamGam BB : @Snookyzz, @m00nbl00d2012, @melinda_aguilar5322, @Icklejojo DD : @nikaevamia, @Kimmee58, @Gilbert73, @BevyLee, @Amishka, @KikeRuiznavarro, @noahroth, @JeanDee, @LizeKNel, @20202020, @munirahahg, @Claudiyoshi, @Gracyz, @Deepakajal, @huggett, @Atef2020, @Haotyk, @annyman725, @danielef8107, @Farfelu, @flaviojose, @meercat43, @Coqdor91, @mdnowshad, @karber, @TP47, @Hannam199 @user0815, @JagMacStu, @Ulla14, @powergeit, @Rudiecan, @miekken1, @SLASH20, @Bellalily7, @albeesgirl67, @Naline02, @assen, @kando4u3, @Mipmop, @FavorIsFair, @spidervenom, @AudreyL1111, @dleslie, @Andy_Green, @MHastings, @asjbakkie, @user0815, @Mmmkingfan, @Carmesix, @tashiN86, @lchen, @sahelidey23, @Sockermom, @mozart, @Mongol, @casandra66thompson, @mercy680, @Jumn, @asjbakkie, @RegalRenz, @Rudiecan, @Judy8492, @bianca70, @Cubsn1, @annmarie74, @yazzzz78, @mumyforever_33, @Andy_Green, @redmen, @Allison_Glen, @Paffipuffi, @julieschel, @Jerms, @edee, @MotshidisiMoea, @mkeginger, @Nickp1935, @lailaabelmonam, @Manda3, @CathySo, @kristiwest, @ubugrl, @jbells1993, @louguerrero, @Pattyk999, @itzidp, @gladisnoe, @Swinslow1214, @soco1, @SQuilly, @wandamc, @Bonni12, @Dally1_zn, @Michelle_Rayner_2, @Hetheru, @Mirra33, @LoLo513, @Henry_Chan, @Meteory, @Annie_Soutter, @Karona1313, @believer1951, @luisamaria28, @treva125, @12173422847, @bgrovesnh, @bobnkati, @sofes, @winkpop1, @NanaBuzz, @Diamond_dogs, @mrsReyes21, @Melhowe60, @Marycross, @tashiN86, @cld7lnv, @moonnang, @Bev56, @jprswife, @Patsy1812, @dbraydee, @haniTz, @meenakshirudola, @jilaveanu, @NotFahr, @AnamariaTolea, @splasha, @sinnes526, @poissondodouce, @SavtaSoreget, @LeeBelle26, @ttlproctor, @miloshko84, @ubugrl, @Wallycom, @KristinaMarrero, @Silvermoonlilly, @RxRanger, @Jumn, @latte_57, @KWR, @candymandy61, @NanetteWild, @susanbailey, @bhunter, @Kadriye_6022, @02480585506, @susanbailey, @chrisziggi, @Patsy_Fields, @drb, @dihna, @Moonwoman58, @glows, @sivsko, @air2, @jobrown3221, @susanmeerleveld, @froogal, @tel4plm, @Jnice128, @asjbakkie, @linnie123446, @Angel64, @Amy_Amber_Parker, @mati64, @zsuzsika58, @diamond_1, @CYBELE, @Roddrick113, @erlina1969, @charlychoon, @ginaboo, @KatrinaChalon @pbrown1, @PKuehlem, @Mariskastal1971, @StavrosUbud, @Marcella_UX, @Hipabou, @kel0912, @sarvowinner1, @kitkat10410, @sforres705, @negr0, @Nati_Díaz, @Niani01, @Adridt, @Deliajohanna1980, @marikaki_ska, @ich17950, @beek81, @Noel_Werber, @Zocanna
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Thanks for tagging me @Diamond Lim
Thanks @Community_Team for the helpful and clear newsletter.
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Thank you kingster for the updates on whats going on in the games and in the community. Its great to be a part of this community.
Thanks my friend @Diamond Lim
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Thanks @Diamond Lim 💎 for the tag!
Also thanks to the @Community_Team for all of the cool information.🤗
I couldn't get in here last month when I was tagged, said Permission Problem, but this time..no problem.😉
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Thanks for the Newsletter @Community_Team
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