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🌈🍀 St Patricks Day Hub Contest 🍀🌈 (finished)



  • tkbm7872
    tkbm7872 Posts: 582

    Thank you so much @LeFlarcane 🤗

  • tkbm7872
    tkbm7872 Posts: 582

    Thank you very much @Racoon7 🤗

  • DarDarW
    DarDarW Posts: 1,272
    edited April 2022

    @teresawallace44 Oh my goodness what a great surprise ♡ I truly did win a pot of gold 🥰 Thank you sooooo much... Yay❣️Congratulations to all the other winners too❣️ and thanks everyone for all the community love ♥️

    @Lemurtek @tkbm7872 @tkbm7872 @Laurenmlh @WendyG78

    Thanks @Diamond_Lim tooo for being the tagging queen ♥️

    Oh the game I pick is Candy Crush Saga and this is my id # 12987060233

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,752

    🎉 Congratulations to 5 lucky winners! 🎉






    You won 20 gold bars to the King game of your choice on this contest! 😄

    Enjoy your happy having gold bars to the King game of your choice! 😄

    Don't be sad! Another players! Here is another general contest for you :

    Win Gold Bars Here! Help Lucy to unscramble the letters! 🔡

    Prizes : 5 randomly chosen players among all fully correct answers will win 20 gold bars to the King game of your choice (Except Crash On the Run)

    Ended : Monday, 2nd May 2022, 09:00 CET

    Also check another exciting threads (click on spoiler warming button here 👇)

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    More exciting threads (contests) coming soon! 😉

    ** I will tagging you who have subscribed tagging list when next contest, news and more exciting thread will be released. If you haven't subscribed tagging list yet, please click here to comment and subscribe on that thread that you can got your tag on your notifications when new contests/exciting news and more are released. 😉 **

    Good luck and Have a nice day! 🤞😊

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,752

    @tkbm7872 - Congratulations again! But please remove the email address on screenshot next time. Thanks. 😊

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,752

    And I just forget answering you! You always welcome and Thank you for your creating this awesome maths challenge! We love maths contests! @teresawallace44 👍😄

  • tkbm7872
    tkbm7872 Posts: 582

    OK Thank you very much @DiamondLim it was my mistake I'll see if I can correct it 🤗

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,752

    It's very okay and you are welcome again. @tkbm7872 😊

  • Loser_
    Loser_ Posts: 882

    Congratulations to the winners! 👏👏👏






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