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👁‍🗨 Spy with My 🔍 (ENDED)



  • BuffaloGal57
    BuffaloGal57 Posts: 1,372

    These are fun. Looking forward to the next one

  • Doris_Koch
    Doris_Koch Posts: 590

    Thanks for the hint. Here is my answer

    the light chain is missing

    the surfboard is missing

    Tiffis outfit is different

    the red flower in the lower left of the picture is missing

    the green-white circle at the front of the bus is missing

  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,717

    Hello again everyone!

    Thanks for your participation. Time to reveal the answer and announce the 5 lucky winners.

    The missing items/objects/differences in the second image are as follows:-

    1. Flower
    2. Lamps/string of lights
    3. Surf board
    4. Van logo/nose/emblem or any description that is closest to the actual answer.
    5. Tiffi has changed to bathing suit/in different outfit.

    Congratulations to

    @emelanie @Nadia1770 @Sugy @Reptilian @Kiki_g

    Each of you have won 20 gold bars to the King game of your choice (except Crash On the Run). Kindly PM me your game ID and the game for the gold bars to be added.

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,078
    edited May 2022

    🎉 Congratulations to 5 lucky winners! 🎉

    @emelanie @Nadia1770 @Sugy @Reptilian @Kiki_g

    You won 20 gold bars to the King game of your choice on this contest! 😄

    Enjoy your happy having sweet gold bars to the King game of your choice! 😄

    Don't be sad! Another Players! More exciting threads and contests will be coming soon! 😉

    Also check another exciting threads (click on spoiler warming button here 👇)

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    And 💎🏅 Wanna to win Diamond Diaries Badges? 👇😮

    💎🏅 Show your longest link chains and Claim these badges here! 👆🔗😄 (Yes! Just posted! 😄)

    ** I will tagging you who have subscribed tagging list when next contest, news and more exciting thread will be released. If you haven't subscribed tagging list yet, please click here to comment and subscribe on that thread that you can got your tag on your notifications when new contests/exciting news and more are released. 😉 **

    Good luck and Have a nice day! 🤞😊

  • Racoon7
    Racoon7 Posts: 20,831

    Congratulations @emelanie @Nadia1770 @Sugy @Reptilian @Kiki_g 🎉

  • maf34100
    maf34100 Posts: 58,051

    Congratulations to

    @emelanie @Nadia1770 @Sugy @Reptilian @Kiki_g

  • Reptilian
    Reptilian Posts: 101

    Here my game id

    thanks everyone


  • gordan10
    gordan10 Posts: 10,930

    Congratulations to the lucky winners 🥂🎉

    @emelanie @Nadia1770 @Sugy

    @Reptilian @Kiki_g

This discussion has been closed.

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