Why does my game reset to day one all the time when it’s time to collect my daily gift?
Every day when I login to play my game and collect my daily reward it resets back to day one! Very frustrating
Refill with my stardust
I have asked you guys since 2018 why I can't recall lives to only get to remove the game and reinstall I have did that more than once to only be in the same predicament. Why can't I refill lives? If you don't know please say you don't so I can just remove game totally!
My house is gone - help!
I’ve been playing this game for years and had a tree house up in the sky. I finally had a bath tub! I’m on level 510. This past week, my tree house is gone and I’m starting all over again with a new house and sidewalk. What happened? That was my favorite part of the game (building my tree house in the sky.) I was so proud…
Starshiema McClean
my BubbleWitch3 is not connecting to my Facebook and before it was working fine. Please tell what going on with the app.
I am stuck, need help!
Hi, I can’t assign to any mission. I have tried to restart the game several times. I can continue to play the levels but nothing more
Facebook acct. Need help!
I cannot log in to my Facebook acct. Why? It has all my progress ...im not about to start over. I tried uninstalling and re installing..nothing. I love the game,but I'm very frustrated as to why all of a sudden I can't get to my Facebook with this game!
was working fine till a week or more ago now when i try to connect with my facebook nothing upet
Pot of Gold
I’ve looked for videos for levels 4 & 5 without boosters on YouTube, there’s none. I’m on 4, it’s really hard & I heard 5’s near impossible without several boosters
Starlight Contest
When I pass about 20 newer levels, the stars in there didn’t count
Question on Level 2372 and amount of starting bubbles
Currently on 2372 for last 20 tries, so I go to youtube for help in playing the level---- all 3 videos I watched started with 6 bubbles....... why have I always only started with 1 bubble????? What is wrong with my game??