The Game doesnt allow me to ask for lives to my friends JUST THE TIME I SIGNED UP INTO FACEBOOK. Why is that? Thanks
Cheating in Bubble Witch 3
We had someone join a few days ago and has scored 100000 in every level. This is impossible!!! I have played this game for 5 years and have never had a score ending in 00000. I do not like playing with Cheaters. Please help!!!!
(Unsupported Language)
**Edit by CM: Unsupported language**
How do I stop the visual HINTS coming up on screen during play?
I can cancel the Music and Sounds, but not the visual "game play" hints/tips that flash up on screen. Advise please, thanks.
Conjure Games Bug in Bubble Witch 3 Saga
Hi, new to the community. Here's the situation. In the last conjure games contest I won with 200 points in the Astral League. When the new contest started instead of starting at zero my 200 points carried over. But, as I passed levels my score would not change although other players scores did. I contacted King help but…
Game is freezing and I can't use star dust!
game keeps freezing after losing..with a window saying magic in progress. also..i cannot use my star dust to play when im out of lives? you guys disable this now? im getting really disgusted with your ways of treating us players. explain this to me,
All of my spells (magic beam, shooting star etc) have been reset to 0 this morning. I had 20+ before
Ive been a longtime player and when I woke today All of my spells (magic beam, shooting star etc) have been reset to 0 this morning. I had 20+ before and this is quite frustrating to lose what I earned over the years.
Game is crashing after the latest update on Android and Kindle! (This is fixed)!
My game automatically updated on my Kindle Fire on July 6th (last night) to the latest version. Now it won't load. I cluck it and it comes to the orange screen like it's going to open, but then just goes back to the home screen and doesn't open. I've restarted the Kindle a couple times. I'm afraid to uninstall it and…
friends list is also gone...
friends list has also dissapeared. help.......
why won't the game open?
I can't get the game to open. I get to the King page and then it takes me right back to my home page. This is my 2nd notice to you. I have deleted everything that I was told to and even uninstalled the game and then reinstalled it. Still can't play. Please help.