How does this work
King community
Video ads for extra bubbles
Hi, can you tell me if the option to watch an ad for extra bubbles has stopped as I've not had it for five days now and would have helped in finishing levels especially the harder ones. The same question about getting boosters by the gost challenge, sorry, I'm useless with character names but it was the friendly ghost…
Hats do not reset
@PrettyBubbles, several weeks ago, Stella began to wear her 3rd (gold) hat in my game. She apparently likes it very much, because she never removes it! I would like to start over with the 1st hat so I can get the benefits of 1st and 2nd hats. How do I "use" the spellbinding power of the 3rd hat so the hats reset? I am…
Email adress
I've forgotten my password. Try te reset it, but I don 't receive a mail. Also I don 't receive a information mail for the communinaty.
How do I get my place and points back? I was returned to level 3
How do I get my points and place back i was sent back to level three
Can you please tell me why I’m not receiving my contest rewards and a special offer I purchased?
Can someone please tell me why I’m not receiving my contest reward (weekly badge)? I also made several purchases last week and on 1 special offer, I did not receive my full purchase which is disheartening when I’m paying to play and not receiving what I purchased.
Lost stars
After I finished my game, I chose to use 10 stars to continue. It took my stars but then said I was out of lives and took me back to the main menu. I want my stars back.
Glitch in game
I was on level 2849 and was on a streak in which I was about to win 72 gold bars but because of the glitch 1 ingredeint never came i used extra of 25 gold bars to get more moves in hope of getting the last ingredient but it never came i lost my 25 gold bar my streak and as well my 72 gold bar which i was about to win after…
Why hasn’t my level badge changed as I move to higher levels.
My badge remains at the 7000 level , but I am at level 11000. Can someone suggest a solution to try?
How to add friend?
I’n on kevel 2050 in BW and I have a handful of FB friends in the game. However, my son recently joined the game and I’ve tried to add him as a friend, but it doesn’t seem to wotk. We’ve both sent messages with a link via the “add friend” function in the game, but although we’ve clicked the photo / link, nothing happens.…