Bubble Witch 3 Saga Level 591 Video Tutorial
What can I do with my star dust after I finish building everything in my home?
Hello, I've built everything in my house and I have nothing to build yet, but of course I continue to accumulate star dust and now I have more than 35,000 star dust that I do not know what else to do with it.Could it be possible to convert star dust into bonuses?
Valentines Challenge
The game has become very buggy since you added the most recent "adventure". It continues to freeze when I get to the top and when I beat it out says there is still one owl. So i have to force close the game and try again.
Passing lvl
I’ve been playing lvl 1478 for 3 days and can’t pass it. I’ll get down to 1 bubble. what can I do?
Extra lives/GB extra moves
Good afternoon. Today and yesterday i can not use gold for extra moves... Everything works fine. Good connection etc etc. Except for the end of a level not completing. And i stil have GB Is this known? Is this fixable? Grtz Xxander Translates like; 1) Magic in progress 2) No products availible.
Password Reset Email Not Going Through
I'm hoping someone can help with this. I've tried to reset my password several times over the weekend (both on the computer and mobile), but the link to reset my password is never emailed to me. I have checked both my spam and inbox. I would hate to lose all the progress made, especially the witch house and kitty home I've…
Where are my Daily Rewards?
I will go several days in a row where I am not getting my reward for playing each day. Then I will receive one. I play every day. It shows that my daily streak continues to be counted, but I don't get the reward. I have missed receiving some very helpful rewards. I check the app and see that I am updated. What's up with…
My BW3 game keeps closing itself!
Been happening about a week now. No idea why, one moment I'm lining up a shot, next moment game closes and I have to restart....happens 2-3 times a day. Would uninstalling and reinstalling help. Will I still be on same level when I reinstall?
When I started playing Bubble Witch Saga 3, a popup indicates all my friends have been invited.
The popup I receive when I start playing the game indicates all my friends have been invited. How do I stop this? I will only invite friends that I want to invite, I don't want this game deciding to invite all my friends!
Problems in Bubble Witch Saga - Waking Up magic tree
Hi On the game i am given a new team to wake up the magic tree. But since yesterday... when it´s time to select the flower to complete the task it freezes and no flowers show, only the green squares. And I have to turn off the game and back on because it freezes permanently there. I´m playing on a PC. Any news/thoughts?…