Why don't I have star cats
Why don't I have star cats? I am way past level 51, I am at 205 and I have filled the bar way more than 5 times, more like 10-12 times and still no cats. The information I found says "To be able to enjoy their company you have to be above level 51 and having made improvements in Stella’s home. Every time you improve an…
Bubble Witch 3 Saga Level 224 Video Tutorial
Video tutorial for level 224 Bubble Witch 3 Saga https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUeP3Gz20zo
Bubble Witch 3 Saga Level 431 Video Tutorial
Need help with level 352
Kindly teach me how to get clear this level...! :)
Bubble Witch 3 Saga Level 77 Video Tutorial
I Lost my Progress!!!
I was on level 202 I think, and I have no idea what happened, but now I am back to level 1...... Please help!!!!!
Lighting up the library
I passed all 5 levels and got to where Andy the ghost was, the witch( I don't know her name) got stuck right next to Andy, didn't fly through the curtain and the library didn't light up. If I clicked on Andy he just kind of shuddered and the witch just stayed in place. I have a screenshot to prove I passed all levels but…
Bubble Witch Saga 3 - playing on my phone and on the FB game link. Doing Spooky Library side game
My progress is not being carried from myphone to my laptop or vice versa. Tonight I logged in on my laptop to finish the last level 5/5 - and was back at the beginning of the challege game. What is happening here? Why am I losing progress? Why is my game not synching on my platforms?
Notification question
How do I delete a notification for a request for this game, while on facebook, using a web browser, when I've never played this game? I don't play games on facebook, ever. I have a notification on the top of the page when I'm on facebook in my web browser, and when I click on the 'x' to remove it, nothing happens. Also, my…
Lost data when logging on to facebook
I have been playing on the iphone app for quite a while. I even synced and logged in to the facebook account. Never played on facebook. I even saw my friends on it, and they saw me. But recently I noticed that it requested to log on to facebook again. When I did, it placed me back at the start like if I started the game a…