Bubble Witch 3 problems
Game always tells I am not connected to internet when I am. Can't get rewards or use helpers, like the cat. Very frustrating. I am also ways connected to facebook, game says I am not connected and then won't let me connect.
I was on levels 230-240 BW3. All of my levels and game progress are now just gone, I lost EVERYTHING!!! This game started me over on level 1. I would like an explanation why this happened. This is the second time I've had issues with BubbleWitch3. All levels of Stella's house was complete and the beanstalk had grown. Items…
WHEN is Bubble Witch 3 going to fix all the glitches in the game??? PLEASE fix them so we can play!
I am NOT receiving GOLD BARS when BW3 asks to "Share' the game with your friends AND when it ask you to "Invite Friends". You get NOTHING!!! ZERO! Zilch! Nada!! WHY?? PLEASE fix these glitches ASAP! Thanks! It's VERY frustrating and disheartening! (Bubble Witch is playing tricks on us!!) :/
I want my 3rd star for level 111
I have stuck on level 111 for month trying for 3 stars. I finally got 3 stars, I was so excited I showed my daughter and she saw the 3 stars. When I was sent back to the map page, I only have 2 stars. How do I get my star to show up? I have tried signing out and back in closing the app completely out. Nothing has worked. I…
Delete and restart account
How do I delete and restart my account I accidentally confirmed on a different device
two different accounts linked
M wife and I play this game every day well today I went to go look for friends and my wife's and my accounts bcame linked and no matter what we did they would not become unlinked. Her cats went to me and her gold bars went to me. I did not want her to start over because that's just not fair. Some help would be appreciated.…
I wrote a review for the game and it gave me a 20 gold bars. Well....
Well, I never received that reward for 20 gold bars. Help!!!!!!!! Please!!!!!!!!
I was at a high 800+ went to play it started me back a level one. How can i get back to my level.
didn't receive my 10 gold bars from referrels
I Went To Open My Box For 10 Gold Bars For Referring People. My game froze so I restarted it. The box came back in the log in screen and said I needed to open the box when I get into the game. When the box appeared again it said I had already received my gift but I never did. I am missing 10 gold bars.
Why do my friends have more upgraded on Stella's home with "less"stars?
I'm on lvl 197 w a total of 516 ⭐'s... My friend has 364 ⭐'s and already has more upgrades done to home than myself ?? Her tower, tree, well and graveyard are where mine are with over 200 less star's? I thought they may have bought fairy dust but fail to see how or where you can purchase any ?? Any info would appreciate.…