Why is the Bubble Witch 3 blacking out and returning?
During gameplay it flickers black/game. A similar issue with the wand's aim disappearing.
Terms of Service snafu
I have Bubble Witch 3 Saga downloaded on my computer, and have enjoyed playing the game. This morning a "Terms of service" screen came up and won't go away. I have scrolled through the terms, I have clicked "Accept" numerous times and I'm still stuck.
Game subtracted gold dust instead of adding.
I had over 6900 gold dust and won some more from fairies. Suddenly it subtracted 1000 from my gold dust . I am not happy what happened ?
Can you change the house and items in the garden?
Is it possible to change the house and items in the garden to the other options? In particular, I want to change the house to one of the other two options - I would pay gold to so. If not - is this feature going to be added in an update? Otherwise, can I reset my progress to start from the beginning again?
When do you earn gold? I'm on level 150 and have only gotten 1 time.
I am playing Bubble Witch 3 Saga. To play on you require gold but I have only been given gold once. I am on level 151. I also find I never get any helpers for difficult levels. How are they earned?
Why can't I get into Bubble Witch Saga 3. It keeps saying "error try again later" Please fix this.
When I try to play Bubble Witch Saga 3, it only says "error try again later". This has been happening all day. When will this problem be fixed? Please correct this error as soon as possible. Please........
star kittens
have a question. why is it on my iphone i got cats at ny house which is fully upgraded and only one is unlocked its name is puck and has a lame ability to give 3 burst bubbles at the start of the level. for 200 fairy dust for 30 min. no other version of my game does puck exist just on my iphone. and my wife and daughters…
why is Bubble Witch 3 acting up again?
This morning I was able to play just fine; however, this afternoon & again this evening it is doing the same thing it did a while ago. It loads the screen, I click on PLAY but nothing happens. In fact it ends up freezing up my laptop & I have to shut down FB altogether.
I lost my progress
I updated my postal box to level 2, but when I entered the game my postal box disappeared and it shows me to upgrade it from zero. I have the other things updated, it bugged. I don't want to lose my progress. Can you help me, please? Thank you!
Game is sluggish.
Is there anyone having these problems. As I play Bubble Witch Saga 3, the wand dissapears while aiming so no line exists and I must realign it multiple times. The animation seems more sluggish and the game flashes to black and back again to the game. I've done troubleshooting down to reinstalling.