I cannot play Bubble Witch Saga 3 on Facebook. The game freezes when loading. ID: 8226306358
For the past week, Bubble Witch Saga 3 has not loaded properly for me on Facebook. I use Chrome as browser. Flash has been updated. I have cleared cookies and cache. Still no luck. Thank you for your help!
Why can't we get the fairies from friends anymore on bubble witch 3 only from celebrities
You used to be able to get fairy dust from friends. Now you can only get it from celebrities.
Lost progress
Hello! Why I lost my offline game progress if I login to facebook in desktop game?
Bubble Witch Saga 3, level 85, now impossible without ptw
16 moves instead of 19 as shown in demos, and it's impossible without boosters, which are almost never available to earn, so I guess this game just became ptw very quickly, so your strategy in removing moves backfired and a lot of people will just quit playing, since this is too blatant an attempt to force pay for play.
waar blijven mijn goudstaven waarvoor ik heb betaalt..
Beschrijf ID: 8099281377 Ik heb goudstaven besteld en Niet gekregen !! Dit is Niet de 1e Keer DAT HIJ t Niet goed Komt ..
Why do my bubble release before I can aim and let go of my mouse ?
My bubbles shoot off before I let go of my mouse while I am aiming the pointer.
Not receiving daily boosters
I've not been receiving the daily boosters on bws3 for the last 2 days. Was that only promotional or is it a glitch?
Daily rewards
What happened to the daily rewards on BW3? I haven't gotten any for almost a week now?
Who is this Zack person? And why did all the build prices go up when he showed up?
Some guy fairy named Zack showed up as a friend, and all the building points when up when he showed up on my friends. I don't know this guy, and I want him OFF my list. Especially since his appearance seems to have also jacked up the points for upgrading builds!
When I tried to sync my game to a new device it brought me back to zero. Amazon tried to hel but cou
Tried to sync to new device. Amazon tried to help but couldn't. I should be on level 78 but I had to start over. Can you help me?