Bubble Witch saga 3 is not works, I hope you can help me
I cant not play this game, it`s frozen. Bubble Witch Saga is not worketh, i hope you can help me
Who is this Zach person in my friends now? Hes the only on that has fairies and they are red.
He just popped up out of nowhere. Also my house is done upgrading and it says fairies coming soon...?what does this mean?
No more dust to collect except from Zack
3 days ago I had a Stella Star named Zack King show up in my friends list. Since then, he is the only one I can get dust from and its only about 150 each day. I need to know how to get him off so I can start collecting the dust from my other friends.
BW3 crashing since latest update.
BW3 crashing since last update. It mostly crashes when off main game, usually when catching fairies at Stellas house. Playing on iPad mini. When can this be fixed please?
Boosters missing after connecting FB to game
All my boosters are gone after I logged in to FB via my Android phone. Everything disappeared. Please restore the boosters ASAP.
Is the owl supposed to stay forever now?
Does that owl ever go away? It's always there. When I click on it and send lives and then I play a game or visit my house and come back the owl is there again. I could send a billion lives in a day if I wanted to.
Free the owls in level 193 in Bubblewitch 3
I'm on level 193 of Bubblewitch 3. I'm suppose to free 9 owls yet I only see 8! It shows I have only freed 7 yet there is only 1 left on the board! Apparently it didn't register 1 I freed or there were only 8 to begin with. It seems I have been on this level for ages! Long enough for someone who was quite a bit behind me…
Bubble Witch Saga 3 - Progress Lost!
My mum's phone went in for repair, before this, she made sure everything was linked to her Google account, but BWS3 didn't save any of her progress. If there is any way for her to recover her account, I would be grateful to know.Thanks in advance!
bubble witch 3
I purchased a package of 50 gold bars for 4.99 on 31/3/2017. I have been invoiced for them but not received the bars. Could you please look into this and either refund my money or add the bars to my game.
hello last night I bought a gold bar package but never got bars and $40 was taken out of account.
Hello, last night I bought gold bars package which said I was successful. However I never received my bars so I repeated and bought the package again never received my bars. Today I look and around $50 has been taken from my account. I would like a refund please