How can I add friends to BW3S
How can I add friends to BW3S using my email (not FB)? I’ve click on the envelope with the red heart to request lives, but I guess it doesn’t work if you don’t have friends.
Please fix the shape of Stella's neck, it has a problem
I want to send this suggestion to the designers and developers of the game.. Stella, as you can see, her neck does not connect to her head properly... & here is a close-up image so that you can see that the neck does not reach the head... & this is how it appears to me in the levels of the game too .. 🔹Please send this…
Lost progress
One day I was over level 1000, now I’m back at the beginning. Wondering what happened and if I can get back to the level I was on
Lost all my progress
how do I retrieve it
I paid for the Royal Path and now its gone
I paid for the Royal Path and the next day the whole thing disappeared it was on 11 days remaining when it did.
Why did game switch from bubbles to vampire bride saga? I Never tapped on it, NEVER want to do again
Please get rid of the vampire bride saga...when I opened the game to play it opened to that! Please fix! I didn't select!!!!!
Reset Option
Hello there. I suggest to add an option for reset an account to level 1. I want to start over with my account, since the game has more new features that I want to collect. I tried to find my profile ID but it seems it's not there? Hope talk to you soon. Thanks for reading! OltJa5
Is it possible to merge both of my email accounts into only one?
Hello, I currently have two games going on but on different emails. My husband was playing on one and I the other. He lost interest so I have been playing on both accounts. I would like to close one out and use just the one but I don't want to lose all the boosters I have paid for. Is there a way or am I stuck? Thank you…
King Comm.ID
How do I give permission to get my ID?
Good morning. Are we not able to watch ads for extra bubbles any longer? Those really helped.