There's indeed an issue with the sound, however, you'd be happy to hear that our Studio has already been able to find a fix for it. We will do our best for it to go live as soon as possible. Therefore, please be patient and the sound will be back within the next 24-48 hours.
Sorry for the inconvenience, but at least, Stella still can pop those bubbles without the sound
Hi @cristaline I do love playing BW3 with sounds when I’m home, so I feel your frustration. I found this answer from another superstar and I hope it help. Type this into your address bar chrome : // flags / #auto play-policy On the highlighted option choose no user gesture required and restart your browser. Let me know it if work 😊
Hello, Thanks but I don't understand the answer because I don't play on a browser but directly on my pc and 3 days ago it was still working Also my browser is Firefox.
There's indeed an issue with the sound, however, you'd be happy to hear that our Studio has already been able to find a fix for it. We will do our best for it to go live as soon as possible. Therefore, please be patient and the sound will be back within the next 24-48 hours.
Sorry for the inconvenience, but at least, Stella still can pop those bubbles without the sound
When I started playing Bubble Witch a few years ago, the music would play throughout the whole game. For a long time since then, there is only the theme song playing before and after you play a level. The music does last a little bit when you are playing a level, but then it stops. I only hear sound effects from that point on. Now, for the past week, there is no music or sound effects during the level being played. The music adds to the escape of this game. 😊I’m a dork, but please bring back the music.
I try to check my settings, and it says the music is on. I always play from my iPhone. Is this problem being fixed? Thank you!