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  • kdd1003
    kdd1003 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    edited October 2020

    **Edit by CM: Unsupported language**

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,241

    Hi @kdd1003 can you please repost using the English translator

    Hi 🙋‍♀️ I would like to say A very warm welcome to our friendly community

    Let me take you on a tour 👫 We will start with the discussion area 📃 Then why not select your game forum 🕹where you will be able to post game specific questions and join contests

    Bubble witch 3 players can head straight HERE 🤹‍♀️🤹‍♂️

    Finally here and here will tell you everything about moving around the community 👀

    A tip for you if you want to tag a specific person, type @ then start typing the name, select the name from drop down and it will then turn black. They then will be notified.

    Happy gaming and have a starlistic day 🌟🙂

  • Tweetybell86
    Tweetybell86 Posts: 27

    Level 3

    idk bout anybody else? but while we wait for u to fix the connection issue, im NOT able to get my daily prize(&i WAS up2 bout day 60) &ANY special events going on in the game, r NOT showing up!

  • jojo75
    jojo75 Posts: 398

    Hi I am JoJo 75 I am here to say I think that Bubble Witch 3 is a great game I am hooked I play at least 3hours a day .

  • Tweetybell86
    Tweetybell86 Posts: 27

    Level 3

    boy.... I guess they R having trouble w/our game BW3, not only do I no longer get daily rewards, get to see or participate in there ongoing events, but wen I click the "profile" button, it says NO connection! so if there is ANYthing special going on, I DONT see it! &no I CANT check fb for anything new, I was FORCED off of fb! I got the "we found suspicious activity on yr profile ect" message, so my account has been locked! theres a "continue" button to verify &fix things, but I already got hacked years ago w/something similar &the words "fool me once-shame on u, fool me twice shame on me" come to mind, so I AINT taking a chance! so no to fb!

  • Ifevicky
    Ifevicky Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I love the game🥰 it is challenging, just that some times I will feel like I have played this level before

  • Hi guys 🙋‍♀️ For those of you that have said you are experiencing issues please read this 👍


    Recently, we have received reports that some players are having issues when trying to send and receive lives from friends in Bubble Witch Saga.

    Please rest assured that we are hard at work trying to find the source of this issue. We'll get a fix in place as soon as we are able to and functionality will return to normal.

    We apologize for any inconvenience that this has caused. Please be sure to look out for updates to the game and install those updates when they become available.

    PLEASE NOTE If you are playing BW2 you need to no longer be using Facebook and you can only play on a mobile device

    However we are also aware of none Facebook related issues in both BW2 and BW3 like crashing freezing and messages not appearing all these are complex issues and no fix date can be given.

    We know its not the update you wanted to here and we are sorry for this and once again we thank you for your patience 👍

  • dadadarestephen
    dadadarestephen Posts: 8

    Level 2

    It's a game for the king's.i am a king

  • dadadarestephen
    dadadarestephen Posts: 8

    Level 2

    Award and compensation get people motivated

  • Hi @dadadarestephen dont forget every king needs his queen 😉 so therefore it's a game of kings and queens

    Happy gaming and have a starlistic day 👍🙂

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