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🐭 Professor Alpha's did you know!

Posts: 14,121
edited March 2021 in Support

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If you browse to page 1250 in Professor Alpha’s Book of everything, which you can read more about here, you can find the following facts about AlphaBetty Saga:

-AlphaBetty Saga is the only word game from King and is based on the RoyalGames game Alphabetty. You can still find the skill game version here.

-In the Saga version the game was released in four different game modes, Cheese Falls, Bubble Pop, Word Frenzy and Cheddar Spreader.

-The game was made in 2015 by the King Game Team in Bucharest Romania and here you can see the team pushing the "live" button for the release five years ago:

-Professor Alpha and Betty was already names on two of characters in RoyalGames, but they were human and not mice. You can see the first drafts of the new mice characters below.

-Doctor Zed was a character in the game that in the end didn’t appear. Read more about him here.

-The game was taken over by a Game Team in Barcelona in 2016, same team that is behind Papa Pear Saga.

-In Barcelona the game got both a fifth level mode, Mystery Word, and Catalan was added as a new language in the game.

-The game can today be played in 13 different languages; English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish, Romanian and Catalan. If you wanna win Gold Bars, guess the game languages here.

-AlphaBetty Saga has four different background music. The music depends on which episode you play so you get in the right mood and right strategy.

-The game has 920 levels and can be played on both Facebook,, iOS, Android and Kindle tablets. If you already completed the game and wanna start all over again, then head over to this Community page here.

Do you play or have played AlphaBetty Saga?

Which game mode is your favourite? 🧀Cheese Falls 🔵Bubble Pop 🅰️Word Frenzy 🥄Cheddar Spreader or ❓Mystery Word?

In what language do you play the game?

If you don't play the game? What is stopping you to try it out? 😉

...and don't forget to guess the language HERE to win Gold Bars!


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