The Community in more languages
Now the forum welcomes more languages.
You'll see a green translate button in comments and discussions to turn them into English
**Play any Morgana or Wilbur level. You can find them on the last level of every chapter.
Wilbur starts at Level 10 and Morgana starts at Level 520.
**You cannot play any level that offers free boosters
**You can post up to 8 screenshots with a newly played score. You do not have stick with the same level, but you do have to stick to the same character! 😃 You cannot use a previously played screenshot. Your final score will be your highest scored screenshot!
**You cannot play both characters, only one. So the first screenshot you post will show me which character you picked. After your first screenshot, you cannot change your character. So choose wisely 😀
** 1st, 2nd and 3rd place with the highest score will receive 40 Gold Bars 💰️
Also 🤸
**2 players picked at random will receive 15 Gold Bars 💰️
⭐️ Every member that posts a newly played screenshot, of the correct level, will receive a badge of the character you chose to play ❗️ 🏋️♀️
Give an 👏 to @Walezy for thinking of this contest. We do appreciate members getting involved. This is your community, so be a part of it! 🤩
For your convenience here is your Countdown to October 21st, 9 am
Game terms and conditions can be found here.
Want to participate, but have no account, then register here in 1 minute!
Hi guys let's once again support our members contest 👏👏
And how about while @johamilton is sleeping I tag you all to join
Let's see how many arrive to surprise her when she wakes
Have fun guys 🥳
@1191970815 @12tHstreet @13monster @21FurandFeatherPets @23RutlandStreet @2damthicc @2muksu @5878896038 @9308230112086ML @aajjtls @aautz1 @AbiB @abauwens @AdamLeOldSport @Adamsd1783 @Adeboye @adrinamadatyan @afresh30 @Aidinpm64 @aijaziqbal @ajauld @Alabamakarla @alacey @Alami14121412fahad @alanc12345 @AleB @aley319 @Aliceanne_74 @alleydoodle @alotacrazy @Altyrone7088 @alwalter619 @Amara1234 @Ambtom @Amy1284 @Anahita_2005 @Andie79 @Angel_Eyes @Angeleyes67 @Angy1969 @anko_hh @annabell64 @ANNEKE-4 @Annemieke54 @annie165 @april_bby23 @Ardnasak @arian90 @Ariane7950 @ariel2021 @ArriettyM @Ashraf @astong @Athena @athena520 @AuroraTheGoddess @Avideh324 @awalter @aweeks6969 @ballcapghost @barbmb @barbscamaro @Bathymaas @Beamy @bearwithme @bekicrusher @bella1202 @benswifey08 @BQN537 @berns188 @berrybest1 @Bershie1 @bethanikrista @betternetter @Beverley10 @Beverly825 @Bevette @bidder @bintz18 @birdlover57 @Blky2k @BlueEyedBubble3 @Bonnie_Scobee @boojum99 @Bookster @bpretty55 @BrandonskittyKat @bratts1234 @Brenda84 @BrendaY12 @BrezBre85 @bri_marie @bridgetmassey @brokenangel @Brownbug @bryteyes44 @BubbleGumSoda @BubblificHeaven @Buggi @BULLDOG76 @bumblebee3 @Bunnieofthemoon @butterfly79 @Buttersup @CA530Guy @cabbiecomm @Cadams @candycrushinit @Cangho @CapetownZA @CappyKC @CarliA @carmenechevarria @Carro80 @casey7 @caseyfazel @casperunicorn69 @Cassy2012 @CassD @Cathy1966 @CatSchaBo2 @cbrjones @cece11282003 @CerbeRus777 @chancleta @charal @Chayo19 @Chele88 @Chell0430 @cherie1220 @chimecinder @Chms2000 @chris60 @chrismccracken68 @ChrisMiller @Christiane1960 @christithelion @chrystal7 @Cimplime @cindyballard @cindylouwitchypooh @Cindyterry @cinte @CLKUHNS @cmt @cnichols52 @Cobear3 @cocomoco @coldweather4me @colina @Connerml @Connie66 @conny_c @CorkCork @corndragon @coultes @Countrygirl393 @crazylagringa14 @Cricket70 @crystalbarker88 @crystaldave @crysterry @Cstoney78 @cte32787 @ctemae @cuchilloveloz21 @cvb1959 @cyprusgal @dakotagurl98 @dana13dg @danandmonicat @DangerRanger @daniEmmons77 @DaniMiller77 @DaniTheOG @DansBooBurr @Dapp14 @darknessangel40 @Darla100 @daughterofanarchy @davahotmail @davidkesh2000 @dawnprather26 @DeannaKgoswick @Debbie6364 @DebbieC89 @debbievelie @Debra_Akins @DebyRose @deckarda2 @Deliajohanna1980 @della803 @dene @Deniseld @desynvr2late @devinboyd @Diane_Calderbank @Die_Ober_Hexe @DieOmimi @dinerchic @djbollo @DJGHOST82 @dlbrause @donewthu2020 @donna215 @Donnaj123 @Doodiebunk @Doogie @dranby @DrGma_Stanley @drvexaminer @dtami @DU123 @duckie74 @Dusty @edowens67 @Eismieze @Ejg21578 @elianaramirez @Elohelay @eltigreataca @eman_mirza @emerrpymail @Emilie_Hook @emily_kiko @EOTheGr8 @eppslisa617 @eri19 @erinleigh2020 @Eva2810 @Evarod9 @eveholman @eyore2003 @Faidz0452 @Fannie48 @farapafa @farmer_giles @fattslim @fattslim60 @feefee45 @FeliciaVezina1 @fernando6 @fierce23 @Fightinblue2u @fineanddandy @flwrchld53 @Fonda_Smith @freckled_shoulders @Frecko @FreddieB7 @Freja1 @frejon @frerub @frogie @fruxis
@gabri94 @gar16002 @gardenbabycakes @gatekeeper20 @George_Parfitt @GetHanked @Gi2 @gianna16 @GillB @Ginamay @gingin74 @Gisa77 @gjkoras @Gladys5d @glenn1957 @Glorybose @gmverdi1976 @gokalsudha @gps2 @Greymane @Gullranka @GumWah @h59elmer @happiness @hargungagan @haucaz @Hayleys @haynhumble07 @hazyeyes74 @hcarswell @headoperations @Heart62 @hebod @hechicerilla @HelenaPires18 @HidyBoo @hildreth @hill79billy @HOLGERBATMAN @HoneyThief @hotchoco26 @HubsouthGorilka @Hutzelmann @Hybrid107 @i2ikombat80 @ibukunBalogun @Idaholove77 @Iffu2 @iluvgames123 @ImAnOutsider12 @indianoutlaw_winter @inprocess97 @IQueEN @isaali58 @itzyman @ivypooh @jacksen @jamiedoolin1033 @JamieW @janasuruthi @JanEbell @janet29 @Janettalisa @jansplace @janvishubham @Jasminrose @jaweast @Jayamal @Jaydie @jayjay229 @jaylin @jbidness @jeannie82 @jeanps @jejo @JelenaZhukova @JenKev0610 @jenmcd99 @jenn_2001 @jenney @Jennnc34 @jennycourt1 @JessicaBilly @JForshee83 @jimnena90 @Jivetar @jlc07 @jmh3X_1994 @jnjtwo @joansheng @JodiC @johamilton @jojo75 @JoJo75durham @jonesy350 @JordensNaNa @Jordibird @JOSEPH16 @josielu @Joyously01 @jrite @JRN @jueng @JujuHope76 @junelady @Junkpunchr @justapenny @Justin_Burundi @jwellslea @jwhin18 @Kaitrikar @kaleshia123 @kaouther @KateKate77331 @kathyjavorich @kathys321 @Katiebug @kavidaya @kaylcee @kazidawg9 @kbescb @kbirdbird @KCullen127 @kdrocks @KEITH_3 @Kellie-2 @Kellie3472 @kelseyvasquez @KennyWilcher @kerlouane @KERRBEAR76 @Ketzergon @keywezzy @Keztinsley101 @Kiababy1212 @kiapaulse @kiara_wael @kikimagoo @kim68 @Kim_Bozek @kimmarie56 @kk10 @klashun @Knocksville @Kricketsarekrunchy @Kris0274 @Kris19 @KristyMarie92 @knuclej @Krzysiek88 @ktmk @kweenb @L_F_Perry @laceymisawa @LadyLei @LADYSASHALYN @Ladyt60 @LadyThor @lagags @LAL66 @lam1000 @lanamsmith80 @larasofiasofia @Laura_López @Lauriea @LDOgburn @LDSPRO @LeathaPhelps @leener97 @leheakins @Lele54 @Lemurtek @lena1201 @lengesath @Lesley-6 @Lh11965 @lhalha @Libertyissocool @lillieflower123 @Lillys12 @lilmamachrislong34 @lilsexy69692 @LilyPie @linda1958webb @LINDARAZOR1 @Lipsey12 @LisaMarie @littleoldladywho @Lizardo78 @ljmiller7 @lmjmyhappiness @Logical257 @Lol_N0 @lol1y @lorimetas @LoriMoore @lotus7806 @Love56 @Lovely2021 @Lrands102 @ltarb110 @LuaPavan @Luchi1 @Lucia1511Aa @Luna68 @lunahouse @lynncumbie @LynnW2 @mad_aisy @Madalena28 @Maff @Maggiej49 @Magicorn @malikaleena @mamasan87 @Manager @mandachas24 @Manie912 @Margo_Holloway @mariah17 @marian1963 @marielag @Mariesel @Marijared @mariusss @mark35160 @Marquita1 @marshwomyn @martagea @maryg1430 @Maryjc @matius_abiroso @maus0707 @maybellie @mbuntin @mdn1 @meanesspam @meanunclesteve @meemahh @megashark @Melansongirl @Melisandre @meme57 @Mer_2016 @Methadras @micdarkaz1969 @Michele4ou @MicheleHogg @mifreema @milkysara @MilunoSilver @mindy26 @mindylarson19 @minicrashyahoocom19 @misirichards @Missi61 @misspink78 @missy1313 @missywhopoo @mistyrowe42 @MJazzyL @mletuli @mneldo @Moh1977 @Mohamed007 @MohamedAhmed_84 @mohdzakiey @mommy2 @momosia @Monetrenua @monnaqie @mono1020 @mooly77 @Moon65 @Moonbeam379 @Morgan_Hepper @mosbacher80 @mosi13 @MountainMom @Mr_B81 @Mr_Peely @mrmrshemi @MrSajadRz @msbrotis1 @MthrOfPearl @muppettuna @muslim @Mystery1966 @mysticalmysty @mystydaye
Ooh, looks like a good contest @PrettyBubbles , i'll be back after work!
Thanks @Walezy , great idea 😊
Great contest @johamilton and @PrettyBubbles. Excellent idea @Walezy - I love defeating those two!
Also again a very nice and interesting competition. Thanks to @johamilton and @Walezy. 😘
So that you can see that I've played a new level, I first post my card, right? I always have morgana at the end of a card. 🤔
Hi @DieOmimi We know that Wilbur or Morgana which ever you choose are always at the end of a chapter so just play that level then post and we will know 😉
However if it makes you feel better you can of course post the level on your map before you play it 👍⭐
Hi @PrettyBubbles.
Does this mean that we can only.play new levels, or can we replay old levels, provided we don't use old screenshots?
So are the 8 screenshots from the same level or can they be different Wilbur/Morgan’s levels? Are we adding the scores or just trying to get the highest score on that level?
Sorry about the questions just want to make sure I post the best screenshots I can for this fun contest. 😁🐨💕
Hi @CassD as long as you are posting a new score you can replay levels but you can't play both Wilbur and morgana you must stick with one or the other 👍⭐