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 Ended 🌎️  Around the World Holiday Team Tournament 🌎️



  • maf34100
    maf34100 Posts: 58,074

    Dear KC @BobaKitty_BW3fan didn't post any score. @LeFlarcane attempted to post a score but he was 1 min late. @johamilton responded to him at 10:02 and informed him that he was late.

    I remind you that the team leader must nominate a person to have a second screenshot and this never happened.

  • KCullen127
    KCullen127 Posts: 6,706

    @maf34100 - The competition is over. We did not know what to do because there was a conversation of Teri being part of Team Asia and we also felt obligated to @BobaKitty_BW3fan because she signed up to be part of the team and she also responded later so obviously we want to give her a chance to contribute. I asked @LeFlarcane to post the score last minute but Sam is in Philippine and by the time the message got to him, it was a little late.

    Some of our members have tried their hardest to get a good score so in a way I feel really bad as a member of Team Asia that I have failed them in this competition.

    I suggested to @johamilton that we need some rules in place for team competition. Members who signed up must acknowledge they are going to be available to compete. Second, we need a score posted before certain date. So if you do not post an updated score, the score posted will be the one and only score to be tabulated for your team.

    This is a learning experience for me so I hope to do better in the next competition.

    Thanks @johamilton for your patience.

  • maf34100
    maf34100 Posts: 58,074

    @KCullen127 I agree 100% with you, rules must be clear from the start of a contest for example:

    1. all teams should have an equal number of members, defined in advance by the mod
    2. some extra players that join last should be considered as replacements if required.
    3. every player should post a screen at a certain time and anyone who failed to do so should be replaced
  • KCullen127
    KCullen127 Posts: 6,706

    @maf34100 - Thanks for your support in the tournament. Congrats to your team for winning the World title.

  • Palash_Sarma
    Palash_Sarma Posts: 18,196

    Congratulations to Europe team, also congratulations everyone who participated in this contest

  • MiladyR
    MiladyR Posts: 10,740

    Congratulations Team Europe on the big win 🏅

    Congratulations Team North American & Team Asia

    Thank you @johamilton for an awesome contest, it was really fun. Looking forward for the next one. @rebelchild Thank you so much for being our team leader. Job well done!! To my teammates @Princess_Jessica @bearwithme @MountainMom @angiegritz

    @gordan10 @Gisa77 @sambrat @Sharon3211 @JDM_BenZ & @EOTheGr8 congratulations and thank you for all the fun.


  • Anahita_2005
    Anahita_2005 Posts: 19,037
    edited January 2023

    Congratulations to team Europe & Team North America

    Thank you @LeFlarcane & @Bellamy32 for coming up with a twist to this contest!

    Thank you @johamilton as well for keeping up the track of everything and guiding everyone.

    At last, special thanks to my fellow teammates for having me as your team leader, without your help, I wouldn't have been able to manage things and also to @KCullen127 for helping me out 🤗.

    Wishing everyone in advance a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! I hope the upcoming year is filled with peace, love & joy! ❣️

  • Anahita_2005
    Anahita_2005 Posts: 19,037

    I posted this comment on 23rd Dec but it went into the 'approval' section 🙃 can't believe it took more than a year to approve 🤣

This discussion has been closed.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?