I am so glad to be on this game
I love it
My phone number isn’t being accepted and I don’t understand why.
I’ve been trying to fill out this form I received for the semi-finals but the only issue I’m having is the form won’t accept my phone number. If anyone has any suggestions or advice on how I such make the input please reach out. Thanks in advance!
How to link community to game account
I just signed up for the community, how do I link the account I play with?
How do I use my full piggy bank? It says full at 5 and the coins keep bouncing off. What do I do? 5
How do I use my full piggy bank? It says full at 5 and the coins keep bouncing off. What do I do? 5 isn’t enough for anything.
Posted what I thought was a glitch, it was a new bubble I'd encountered for the first time. 🙄😜
More bubbles required.Level 3364.
The two screenshots that i have provided, shows a prime example why more bubbles are required on some levels. The first pic shows the beginning, what you have, what you need to do, and what with. The second pic is showing you that i am just shy of being half way through, and no bubbles left. This is because those "swamp…
Level 3364. More bubbles required.
The two screenshots that i have provided, shows a prime example why more bubbles are required on some levels. The first pic shows the beginning, what you have, what you need to do, and what with. The second pic is showing you that i am just shy of being half way through, and no bubbles left. This is because those "swamp…
Nice surprise.
It`s not often, in fact rarely, have i received something than the normal from the daily gift. I get the usual stereo bolts etc, but to receive this just a few minutes ago, was a nice surprise.
Idea for a new badge
Hi boys and girls, I had a crazy idea to get a new badge, 'the palindrome score'. I'm crazy, right? The palindrome score is what you get when the score numbers can be read from left to right and vice versa. For example 1245421. I know, it's hard to get and it takes luck, but... Why not? Who post a palindrome score, gets…
Can someone please inform me, as to why my notifications are always repeating themselves, even when i have just deleted them?. Whilst writing this, i got a reminder that i have 4 notifications waiting for me. That is good, but i just deleted the same 4 notifications a few minutes ago. I am sure that when i leave this page…