What’s happening to Chewy and Yeti?
As she is just about ready to leave Soda World Chewy and Yeti are having a nice chat. “Hey Chewy, have you noticed how the studio is redoing our town?” asks Yeti. “I heard that they are redoing my appearance. I hope that you’ll still recognize me once it’s done.” How could Chewy never recognize Yeti? He’s known him so many…
Look at the transformation …..
Look at them now! “Chewy, are you feeling kind of weird?” asks Yeti. “I have this tingling feeling in my fingertips. Whoa! Now you have a circle above your head and these weird white lines radiating from it.” Chewy tells his buddy that he is also feeling the tingling but not just in his fingertips. His entire body is…
The fairy shares with her sister fairies
The fairy signals her sister fairies to meet her in Bamboo Forest because she wants to share the results of the new magic wand with them. “Oh girls, thanks for meeting me here,” says the fairy. “I’ve been testing out the new magic wand and had no clue what the results might be until I met up with these 2 characters. One…
What’s happening to the fairy?
And so the fairy continues with her adventure and ends up in the center of town. She notices this woman playing a game on her tablet. With magic wand in hand she flies over her shoulder to get a better look of what she is doing. “That looks cool!” the fairy thinks. She waves the magic wand over the tablet to see what will…
It can’t be a fairy
She has never experienced anything like this before. Now it’s swirling more and more as it lifts her higher up into the air and over the buildings in town. Where will she land? She has no control of anything. She waves her magic wand hoping that it will let her down. Nothing. She waves it frantically ……… nothing! “Put me…
Would you believe that she ends up in the King community?
The first place that the fairy sees is the Player’s Corner. “Hey what level are you at in Farm Heroes Saga?” questions the man. “I’m at the end and waiting for more levels.” The teenager looks at the man and wonders why this guy finds the need to brag about how far he’s gone in the game. “I don’t play Farm Heroes,” says…
What a great place to share the love of their game(s)
What a great place this is! The fairy never realized that such communities existed for gaming. It’s a great place for all players to talk about their game, share things, get answers as to why their game is not working and so much more! “Welcome to the Beginner’s Corner,” says the young girl. “Is this your first time…
The fairy goes into the Farm Heroes Saga community
The fairy drops down into the Farm Heroes community. What could this Farm Lab be ……………? “So how long have you been playing this game?” asks the young boy. “Which way do you like to play the game? In portrait (up and down) mode or landscape (across)? Have you checked out the poll for this?” The young girl tells him that she…
Maybe Stella and the fairy have something in common
Look at this, this game uses bubbles and look at that witch with the wand. Perhaps she does magic just like the fairy. She listens in to what the young children are saying. “So what did you think of this contest,” says the young girl. “I was able to figure out the phrase so I posted my answer but I didn’t win. Maybe the…
The fairy visits the Candy Crush Soda Saga community
The fairy is not used to hearing people talk to each other in such a condescending way. But then again she was right to say that it’s a job and she should not play the game or go into the community to chat when she is supposed to be working. As she enters the Candy Crush Soda Saga area, she needs to rest for a bit. She has…