Time to schedule the Zoom event
Elsa makes herself some hot coffee and heads back to her computer. She already has a Zoom account so she just has to open the app and see what needs to be completed. Wow it doesn’t appear to be difficult to set up the event. She types in ‘Tiffi’s Zoom Meeting’ for the name of the event. Then she just adds the date and time…
New Year’s Eve day
As usual in the Candy Kingdom, time goes by fast and it’s now New Year’s Eve. Everyone is doing their thing but staying home, nonetheless. Before they all realize it, the sun has gone down and it’s almost time for them to all meet on Zoom. Elsa opens up the Zoom app and gets all paperwork prepared for the evening. Tiffi…
The twins share some candy crush character trivia
“Ok, we are going to give you some trivia about the King characters and let’s see how well you know them,” says Jean-Luc. Please feel free to write down your guess and then we can go over it together.” This character is vain, and cares very much about his hair. He sometimes hoists parties with the other Soda…
Chewy is ready to share his jokes
‘‘I was quite surprised to find some coronavirus jokes, so get ready!” says Chewy. ‘Why did the chicken cross the road? Because the chicken behind it didn’t know how to socially distance properly. Two grandmothers were bragging about their precious darlings. One of them says to the other, “Mine are so good at social…
Yeti shares some fun facts
Yeti jumps right in. He is more than ready! ‘There actually aren’t “57 varieties” of Heinz ketchup, and never were. Company founder H.J. Heinz thought his product should have a number, and he liked 57. Hint: Hit the glass bottle on the “57,” not the bottom, to get the ketchup to flow. The oldest person ever to have lived…
Jelly Queen does brain teasers
Wow it’s almost 11:30. Fortunately they just have Jelly Queen left who volunteered to do something. Jelly Queen looks at the time and feels confident that she will be done before midnight. “I have some brain teasers to share with you,” says Jelly Queen. I will share the teaser with you and then whoever wants to take a…
Elsa shares some winter facts
Well Christmas is finished and Elsa really had a great time to creating the story about the girls building their snowmen, ‘Do you want to build a snowman?’ New Year’s Eve is approaching quickly and she wonders if there will be a lockdown. It’s been a heck of a year with this COVID-19 virus. Last she heard England had…
It looks like a Winter Wonderland
Look at these beautiful winter scenes! Now that she thinks about it she really knows very little about winter itself. She grew up in Canada where the snow blizzards were bad but back then there were no computers and no Internet to do this searching. She starts to think more about this time of year. How cold does it get in…
Are they real?
She is curious now and needs to find out more about both of them. Are they real? She has to find out! She finds a bit of information about both of them. ‘Jack Frost is a personification of frost, ice, snow, sleet, winter, and freezing cold. He is a variant of Old Man Winter who is held responsible for frosty weather,…
Old Man Winter
That was very interesting to learn about Jack Frost. Now it’s time to find out more about Old Man Winter. ‘The Ancient Greeks In order to truly understand how “Old Man Winter” came to be, we must start with the Ancient Greeks. It was this culture that first personalized the weather-based elements by stating and believing…