The Pygmy Hippos and the Dama Gazelles
“Looks like the Pygmy Hippos [Choeropsis liberiensis] are having fun,” says Harry. ‘Pygmy Hippos typically grows to be 5 feet tall and up to 350 pounds. Their lifespan is 30 to 50 years. They are usually a blend of light and dark gray. Pygmy hippos prefer to spend their time in swamps and rivers found in the Tropical Rain…
The Red Pandas
“Let’s make a left turn here,” Harry says. “Here are the Red Pandas [Ailurus fulgens]”. ‘Red pandas are 22 to 24.6 inches long, with a tail of 14.6 to 18.6 inches. They weigh between 8.8 and 13.3 pounds. Their lifespan is typically 12 to13 years but can live as long as 23 years. Their color is reddish-brown, black and…
The Cheetahs
“Up ahead of us are the Cheetahs [Acinonyx jubatus],” Harry says. ‘Cheetahs are 3.5 to 4.5 feet long, 2 to 3 feet tall at the shoulder, and weighing up to 175 pounds. Their lifespan is 8 to 10 years in the wild, 17+ years in human care. Their diet is primarily gazelles, wildebeest calves, impalas, and other small hoofed…
The Masa Giraffes
“Here are the Masai Giraffes [Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi],” Harry says. Males can grow up to 18 feet and females can reach 14 feet in height. Their lifespan is 15-20 years. The Masai giraffe, also known as the Kilimanjaro giraffe, is the largest subspecies of giraffe and the tallest land mammal on earth. Masai…
Christmas Story
Once upon a time, Tiffi and Nutcracker are having a good day. They want to ate meals then go to the mall. They meet there friends. But Yeti is having a santa costume, Misty is having a reindeer costume, and Dachs is having an elf costume. They want to buy a Christmas tree. They like to build a Christmas tree, then…
Not everyone celebrates Christmas
Early one morning Elsa wakes up and she turns on the computer. It’s time to start off a new day. She makes herself a cup of coffee while she is waiting for the computer to open up. The first thing that she does when the computer opens up is to open her story folder to see what she needs to post and what new story she wants…
Time to do some googling
Oh no, coffee cup is empty. Time for a refill before starting her Google search. She decides to really get into the mood for Christmas so she heads on over to YouTube to play some Christmas music. Then she starts her search but is unsure what words to type in the search engine. She knows that she wants to use ‘around the…
December holidays
Elsa continues to read more about December holidays. ‘Hanukkah - Hanukkah, or Chanukah, is an eight-day Jewish celebration that commemorates the re-dedication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem following the Maccabean Revolt. Those who took part in the re-dedication witnessed what they believed to be a miracle. Even though…
More December holidays
‘Boxing Day - Boxing Day takes place on December 26. Only celebrated in a few countries, the holiday originated in the United Kingdom during the Middle Ages. It was the day when the alms box, collection boxes for the poor often kept in churches, were opened and their content distributed, a tradition that still happens in…
What other holidays happen around Christmas?
Bright and early the next day, Tiffi wakes up and gets dressed. She has plenty of time before she has to meet up with Elsa so she decides to do her own googling about the holiday. She finds a very interesting article: 6 Holidays This Holiday Season Besides Christmas. ‘The day after Thanksgiving, or sometimes even…