The show comes to an end
And our show now comes to an end. But is it really the end? If you know me then you know that it hasn’t ended yet. Rancid has suggested that we create a poll and let you guys choose the winner of today’s talent show. What do you guys think? Once the winner is chosen, Amelia will hand over the first place trophy to the…
King short stories starring the game characters (Page 2)
Continued from King short stories starring the game characters (Page 1) 19. Jelly Queen comes to Candy Town (The CC Friends Saga studio invites Jelly Queen to join the game - uploaded 1/31/2020) 18. New Year's Eve 2019 with Tiffi and her friends (Tiffi makes plans with some of her friends to see the fireworks - uploaded…
Rain, rain go away
Rain, rain go away Come again another day, Rain, rain go away Kimmy and Yeti want to play! One day Kimmy wakes up and much to her surprise it’s pouring rain outside! She can hardly see outside and it’s leaving rain drops on the window. She can hear the wind howling outside. Guess it’s not going to be a fun day today. But…
What a mess!
Kimmy tears her closet apart looking for her rain boots. “I know that they have to be here somewhere,” Kimmy thinks. “Where did I put them last? I can’t waste any more time looking for them. I have to go meet up with Yeti.” Kimmy looks at the time on her phone. Yikes! She’s late already. Oh no Kimmy wait! You are…
Look who’s here!
Wait a second! Something strange is really going on here. What is Hunter doing here? “Hunter what are you doing here?” Kimmy asks. Hunter tells the two of them that he just loves playing in puddles. When he heard that something was wrong in town with a lot of heavy rainfall he had to check it out. You see, because Hunter…
What is rain?
Once the two of them are seated and have ordered hot chocolate, Yeti questions what rain is. “Let me do a quick Google search to see what I can find,” says Kimmy. “Here is a brief description of what it is.” ‘Drip, drop, drip, drop. Sometimes we like to play in the rain. Sometimes we want it to go away! But how is rain…
How is rain made?
Kimmy is fascinated with this information. Oh no, is she turning into her sister who googles her life away? She finds an interesting article and begins to read it to Yeti. ‘Clouds form from water or ice that has evaporated from Earth’s surface, or from plants that give off water and oxygen as a product of photosynthesis.…
Heavy rain can cause deadly events
That information is great but it’s not talking about heavy rain like the two of them are experiencing outside. Then she finds a picture showing the heavy rain similar to what is happening in their town. “Yeti, I think I found a great article on heavy rain,” Kimmy says. “They are saying that it’s called torrential…
The smell of rain
‘According to The Smithsonian, two Australian scientists coined the term petrichor to describe the distinct smell of rain. During a dry spell or a drought, many plants produce oils that signal the plant to stop growing. After a steady rain, these oils are released into the air. Plant oils can also mix with other chemicals…
What is lightning?
“Here is an article about lightning,” says Kimmy. “I wonder if they mention anything about thunder. Hey Yeti did you ever hear what parents used to tell their children whenever there was the sound of thunder? My father also told us this. Whenever we would hear the sound of thunder that meant that God was bowling. How silly…