The strawberry cropsies do a hip hop dance
Rancid signals for the next act to come to center stage. “Let’s welcome our strawberry cropsies,” says Rancid. “Today they are going to do a hip hop dance for you. And while you are watching them perform I am going to give you a run down on the history of this dance.” ‘Although widely synonymous with rap music today,…
The strawberry cropsies do a hip hop dance
Rancid signals for the next act to come to center stage. “Let’s welcome our strawberry cropsies,” says Rancid. “Today they are going to do a hip hop dance for you. And while you are watching them perform I am going to give you a run down on the history of this dance.” ‘Although widely synonymous with rap music today,…
Sun cropsies show off their karate skills
Rancid signals for the next act to come to center stage. “Now I’d like to introduce a couple of our sun cropsies,” Rancid says. “Don’t ask me how we were able to get them to perform today! Well, I don’t want to keep you wondering so I’ll tell you. Magic beans! Would you believe that? Somehow magic beans got scattered all…
Apple cropsies do a ‘Little Apple’ dance
Rancid signals for the next act to come to center stage. “And here we have our apple cropsies,” Rancid says. “They couldn’t wait for this show to begin. They are going to be doing the Apple dance for you as I explain to you how this song came to be.” I planted a seed that finally bore fruit/ Today is a great day I give the…
Water cropsies juggle rings
Rancid signals for the next act to come to center stage. “Say hello to our water cropsies,” Rancid says. “Today they will be juggling with some rings. As they perform I want to offer you some knowledge about this skill.” ‘Welcome to Juggling for Beginners! This site was designed with a simple concept – to introduce people…
White and black sheep recite a poem
Rancid signals for the next act to come to center stage. “Look at who we have here, it’s our sheep,” Rancid says. “Today they are going to recite a poem about some friendly farmers.” ‘Five friendly farmers Wake up with the sun, For it is early morning And the chores must be done. The first friendly farmer Goes to milk the…
Grass seed and mushroom cropsies paint
Rancid signals for the next act to come to center stage. “Let’s give a round of applause to our artists!” Rancid says. “Our mushroom and grass seed cropsies are going to paint a picture using two of our famous nursery rhymes. Go ahead cropsies!” First to start painting is the mushroom cropsie and you can follow along with…
Grumpy cropsies tell bad jokes
“Last but not least, here are the grumpy cropsies,” says Rancid. “They have some bad jokes that they would like to share with you!” What did the drummer call his twin daughters? Anna one, Anna two! I bought some shoes from a drug dealer. I don’t know what he laced them with, but I was tripping all day! What do you call a…
Lettuce and Corn cropsies sing
Rancid signals for the next act to come to center stage. “Here we have 2 cropsies that are very new to the area,” Rancid says. “They are not in the competition but wanted to be included in the show. They are going to sing a song. Take it away!” The corn cropsie tells Rancid that they are not new to the area. They grew in…
Farm Heroes Got Talent (Part 1)
Once upon a time in the Candy Kingdom, we find Rancid who is a very nice raccoon. But he wasn’t always very nice. His story goes like this…….. We first meet up with him living in the Dairy District. He is not a very nice raccoon because he loves to steal Amelia’s cropsies and Mother Hen’s eggs. Amelia really loves farming…