What Is Youngest Child Syndrome?
‘In 1927, psychologist Alfred Adler first wrote about birth order and what it predicted for behavior. Over the years, a number of theories and definitions have been put forward. But by and large, youngest children are described as: • highly social • confident • creative • good at problem solving • adept at getting others…
Why first borns fuss, seconds are resilient and last borns like to laugh
‘How can two or three children in the same family be so different? They are brought up in the same broad social environment, under a similar set of rules and an identical family value system. They also come from the same genetic pool yet they can be so different in personality, interests and achievement. While they may be…
The middle child
‘The middle (and in all likelihood the second) child is influenced by his elder sibling. The one rule of thumb about birth order is that children are directly influenced by the sibling above and will differ from that sibling. Frank Sulloway, the author of Born To Rebel, puts it succinctly, when he says that the first rule…
Last borns, the youngest
‘Youngest children in the family are typically charmers and manipulators. They love to get their own way - and they invariably do. They are in the fortunate position of having a sibling break their parents in for them and they don’t have the pressures of the first born. Their birth is not the big event as was the first…
Elsa gets game tips from the community members
Let’s peak in on Elsa to see what she’s up to today! Aha! She is writing more stories. I still can’t figure out how she can just come up with these story ideas so easily. Her phone rings and it’s Tiffi calling her. “How is the birth order story coming along?” asks Tiffi. Elsa tells her that she just finished it and she is…
No luck with the other candy crush games either
“Which game should I play next?” asks Elsa to herself. “I’ll try Friends.” “Olivia, what are you doing to me?” asks Elsa. “You are the recommended character for this level but you look just as discouraged as me.” Elsa has to walk away from the games for a few because it is frustrating her that she doesn’t even come close…
Maybe CC Soda will bring her luck
Well there is only one candy crush game left to try, CC Soda Saga. She opens the game and gets the daily reward. Oh no! It went back down to day one! She doesn’t understand why that happens because that should only happen if she misses a day. But she’s never missed a day with this game. Oh well, at least she gets a color…
Time to create a message asking for help
She has no trouble coming up with a title but as she tries to think of the content an idea comes to mind. She types out a couple of sentences but she’s not sure that she likes what she wrote. She deletes the content and starts again. “Hey! What if I tell them that I’m writing a story and ask them to offer some tips!” Elsa…
Message content completed and saved!
She uploads the image to the message. Looking good! Now she wants to finish the rest of the message. Finishing the message is much easier than starting it. She types out the content and then looks at it. Now this is where you guys come in. Would you like to offer me tips for the match 3 games that I could post in the…
Let’s read some of the tips!
An hour later Elsa heads back to the Player’s Corner to see if anyone respond. Yes! A newbie has written…. “hmmm,” says@SLG4. She is so excited to find out that someone wrote a message. “Hi SLG4 welcome to our community,” says Elsa. “What King game do you play? Do you have any good tips for me on how to improve my games?”…