History Repeats Itself Every 80 Years
Tiffi finds another video – History Repeats Itself Every 80 Years. “Oh let’s watch this video too,” says Tiffi. “I think it’s going to be discussing why history repeats itself. Look at what the description says….. “ Stefan Aarnio predicted the hard times in 2020; and he was right. With the growing COVID-19 pandemic and the…
They Predicted ‘The Crisis of 2020’ … in 1991. So How Does This End?
‘They called it the Crisis of 2020 — an unspecified calamity that “could rival the gravest trials our ancestors have known” and serve as “the next great hinge of history.” It could be an environmental catastrophe, they wrote, a nuclear threat or “some catastrophic failure in the world economy.” That was in 1991. The…
Examples of history repeating itself
“Let’s read this article,” says Tiffi. “It’s giving examples of history repeating itself.” ‘Everyone’s heard the saying that history repeats itself. Sometimes it’s in the context of being told to learn from our mistakes so that history doesn’t repeat itself. Other times it’s when a current event feels eerily familiar as if…
10 Worst Ways History Has Repeated Itself
Just as the two of them are ready to stop reading, Jean-Luc sees another article about the worst ways that history has repeated itself. He wants to read it but Tiffi has had enough. She tells Jean-Luc that it’s getting late. ‘So did all of history's disasters happen because some poor sap dropped the ball? Not really.…
Jean-Luc travels through time
Bright and early one morning Jean-Luc wakes up to the sound of a text message. He looks at his phone and a couple of players need his help with their levels. He eats a quick breakfast and heads out the front door. When he arrives at the Candy Crush Friends Saga map he notices this cute little bunny hopping around. Oh no!…
History of the ancient world
One of the men knows that he is right and doesn’t want to argue anymore so he huffs and puffs and walks away. The wizard and the other elderly man want to explain what time travel is. Jean-Luc has trouble understanding that but he looks around and wants to learn more about this place. “Would you like to learn the history…
The 10 Oldest Ancient Civilizations That Have Ever Existed
“Let’s tell him about the 10 oldest ancient civilizations,” says the elderly man. ‘In the course of human evolution, the practice of living in a group with mutual understanding and dependency has become a very useful and practical lifestyle, and from small isolated groups, larger communities have formed. Then came…
The Aztec, Roman and Persian civilizations
9. The Aztec Civilization Civilization Name: Aztec civilization Period: 1345 AD–1521 AD Original Location: Southcentral region of pre-Columbian Mexico Current Location: Mexico Major Highlights: Nahuatl became the major language The Aztecs came on to the scene pretty much around the time when the Incas were emerging as…
The Ancient Greek, Chinese and Maya civilizations
“If it gets to be too much information to take in please let us know,” says the wizard. Jean-Luc tells him that he’s fine and to please continue. 6. The Ancient Greek Civilization Civilization Name: Greek civilization Period: 2700 BC–479 BC Original Location: Italy, Sicily, North Africa, and as far west as France Current…
The Ancient Egyptian, Indus Valley and Mesopotamian civilizations
3. The Ancient Egyptian Civilization Civilization Name: Egyptian civilization Period: 3150 BC–30 BC Original Location: Banks of the Nile Current Location: Egypt Major Highlights: Construction of pyramids Ancient Egypt is one of the oldest and culturally rich civilizations on this list. The ancient Egyptian civilization, a…