7 Reasons Why Art is Important Continued …..
‘4. It allows self-expression and self-awareness - For art creators, sometimes the only way to express a feeling or thought is to immerse into the process of bringing something into being. For others, mental clarity on a particular situation only comes about after indulging in something artistic. Also, art can help you to…
Back in class ……..
A couple of weeks later they all get together again at the art class. Olivia shares the importance of art with them and then she asks what they are going to create. “Let’s talk about a theme now,” says Olivia. “How about you create a picture about someone or something that you really love?” “I am going to paint a picture…
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away …
One day Kimmy meets up with Chewy in the Soda community and she finds him having a conversation with this little green character. Who could that be? “Hi Chewy, who is your friend?” asks Kimmy. Chewy is having such a good laugh because he doesn’t believe what that little guy just told him. The little green character looks…
Grogu explains Star Wars to Kimmy
Kimmy and Grogu begin to walk through the Soda community where they meet up with @Nix66. “Hi Kimmy, who is your friend?” asks Nix66. Kimmy tells her that his name is Grogu and he’s from a galaxy far far away. “He came here because there is a National Star Wars Day next week and he wants to meet the fans,” Kimmy says. “He…
The meaning of Star Wars
Aha! Grogu might have the answer for her. He looks on YouTube for a specific video and once he finds it he tells Kimmy that he wants her to see the video because the director will explain the meaning of Star Wars. Kimmy is beginning to understand the theme behind the movies. Grogu continues sharing information. ‘Since the…
From a psychological point of view
There she is! Grogu continues sharing. ‘The Dark Side Has Advantages - In addition to the general claim that the dark is more powerful than the light, according to the Star Wars mythos, when people access the Dark Side of the Force, they unlock specific powers that practitioners of the Light Side lack. We'll probably never…
Learning from Failure
“Now I’d like to share some information about these movies and how they relate to psychological issues,” says Grogu. “If you can’t follow along please let me know and I’ll try to put it into different words.” ‘In Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Luke Skywalker is frustrated. He just wants to be left alone on Ahch-To, but Rey…
Making choices
Grogu continues by sharing some information on making choices. ‘Lando Calrissian is a notorious scoundrel determined to make an honest living for himself. He is the Baron Administrator of Cloud City, eager to prove he can leave the shadows of his past and be a stand-up guy. Change and growth are certainly things to admire,…
The Wisdom of “Do Or Do Not”
The girls are really enjoying all of this. Grogu continues……… ‘Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back has (arguably) one of the most iconic pieces of dialogue in the Star Wars franchise, and it’s delivered by Jedi Master Yoda. His new student, the talented but impatient Luke Skywalker, needs to get his X-wing out of the murky…
Empathy and Acceptance
“As long as you don’t feel overwhelmed then let’s continue,” says Grogu. ‘Leia Organa has come a long way since the destruction of Alderaan. She lost her planet, culture, and way of life, which would be devastating for just about anyone. And make no mistake, it was absolutely catastrophic for her. But she refuses to be a…