Marine Biodiversity
Tiffi finds this video Ocean Observations Biodiversity and thinks that it might be perfect for Elsa’s story. Although she is sad about how endangered the ocean species are, she can’t give up hope yet. ‘Today’s biodiversity is the result of billions of years of evolution, natural processes, and in more recent years, human…
Habitat Conservation
Habitat conservation for wild species is one of the most important issues facing the environment today — both in the ocean and on land. Habitat conservation for wild species is one of the most important issues facing the environment today — both in the ocean and on land. As human populations increase, land use increases,…
These Endangered Marine Animals Need Your Help
We all love the ocean and the incredibly diverse array of wildlife that grace its waters, but not many people may realize just how threatened many of our ocean’s animals truly are. From whales and sea turtles to sharks and seals, there’s an ocean of risk out there when it comes to these animal’s ability to survive. Using…
More endangered marine animals
‘Whale Shark - Affectionately considered the gentle giants of the ocean, whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) are jaw-dropping creatures to behold: they can grow to be up to 40 feet long and tip the scales at around 20,000 pounds! Amazingly, while adults have no natural predators, whale sharks still join the list of marine…
Protecting endangered ocean animals
‘Noted conservation scientist David Wilcove estimates that there are 14,000 to 35,000 endangered species in the United States alone. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has identified 16,928 species worldwide as being threatened with extinction, roughly 38 percent of those assessed. Many thousands of…
How YOU can help save our marine wildlife!
‘Sadly, these cute creatures are endangered, but with a little help from our friends at the Marine Conservation Society, we’re going to show you exactly what you can do to help save these incredible creatures. Turtles in trouble - Turtles have been swimming in our oceans for at least 110 million years! But sadly, human…
What will 2021 bring in the world of conservation?
Tiffi is exhausted from all this googling. She hopes that Elsa can use all that she has found. She is just pooped right now! But before she walks away from her computer she needs to find out what conservation is presented for 2021. ‘If it did nothing else, the emergence of Covid-19 a year ago underscored for all of us the…
Endangered Ecosystems Alliance
Tiffi finds this wonderful video and she is sure that Elsa will want to add it to the story. Wow! That was cool! Now she reads more about this alliance……………. ‘The Endangered Ecosystems Alliance (EEA) is a non-profit conservation organization founded in September of 2018 by Canadian conservationists Ken Wu, working for the…
The ecosystem and how it relates to endangered species
The last time we met up with Tiffi she was learning all about the ecosystem. She contacted her character friends to tell them about National Earth Day. You can read part 1 here: What is an ecosystem? As citizens of the world, we can take actions protecting the Earth, its creatures and their habitats. She is hoping that her…
How important is it to protect the species?
‘The Endangered Species Act (ESA), passed in 1973, was enacted to halt the rapid loss of plant and animal life. Frequently referred to as the “crown jewel” of our nation’s environmental laws, the ESA has been responsible for saving many species formerly on the brink of extinction, including the bald eagle, gray wolf and…